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E  uclid  Avenue 




Mnittt}  ilretjjren 



September  1915 




Euclid  Ave.  United 
Brethren  Church 

Origin,  History,  Officiary 
and  Directory 



MISS  ELLA  F.  HAMILTON,  Deaconess 
PROF.  A.  W.  DRURY,  Historian 
DR.  H.  A.  THOMPSON,  Adv.  Solicitor 

Bell  Phon  Home  Phone  6422 

J.  A.  McConau^hy 
JFunetal  Director 

£?L7og^/aS  1446  W.  Third  St. 


The  Druggist 

1263  West  Third  Street  Dayton,  Ohio 

Bell  Phone  Main  1091 

A  full  line  of  Drugs,  Med- 
icines, and  Toilet  Articles. 
Candies  and  Soda  Water 

Perfumery,  Toilet  Soaps,  Sponges,  Brushes,  Etc.,  Etc. 



€)rigin  and  i^istorp 

1—1  ; 

lUCLID  Avenue  United  Brethren 
Church  was  at  first  called  Home 
Street  United  Brethren  Church  from 
the  name  the  street  was  expected  to 
bear.  The  church  grew  out  of  the 
Sunday-school  begun  in  the  year  1869-70,  John 
Kemp  beinfT  the  superintendent.  The  school  was 
held  in  the  Ells'  book-bindery,  east  of  Summit 
Street,  near  the  corner  of  Summit  and  Fourth 
Avenue.  At  the  same  time,  in  connection  with 
the  Miami  Chapel  organization,  there  came  to  be 
what  was  called  the  upper  class,  composed  of 

J.  W.  KREITZER,  President  C.  S.  BILLMAN,  Cishicr 

Open  a  Checking  Account  with 

The  Farmers  and 
Merchants  Bank 

s7.'"il  850,000.00      uSlp-ts  S9000.00 

Sells  Drafts  and  Foreign  Exchange 
Discounts  Notes,  Makes  Collections 
Does  a  General  Banking  Business" 
Safety   Deposit  Boxes  For   Rent 

^%^^:l\lr         Third  and  Williams  Sts. 
Open  a  Savings  Account  with 

The  West  Side  Building 

One  of  the  Strongest  Financial  Institutions 

in  the  City,  with  Assets  of  $2,087,000,00, 

and  a  Surplus  Fund  of  $45,000.00. 

Carefully  and  Economically  Managed 

Offices  ^  '^-  ^-  ^^^-  Third  and  Williams  Sts. 
'\  N.  E.  Cor.  Main  and  Second  Sts. 

A.  L.  SHEARER.  President  C.  S.  BILLMAN,  Secretary 


members  of  that  congregatio-n  living  in  what  was 
called  Miami  City,  William  Clemmer  being  the 
leader  of  the  class.  In  the  winter  of  1869  and 
1870,  a  general  revival  extended  all  over  Dayton, 
out  of  which  grew  the  present  organization  of  the 
Young  Men's  Christian  Association  and  Woman's 
Christian  Association.  C.  W.  Miller,  the  pastor 
of  Miami  Chapel,. took  advantage  of  the  prevail- 
ing religious  interest  and  conducted  evangelistic 
meetings  in  the  Sunday-school  room  in  the  Ells' 
bindery.  Many  persons  were  converted,  a  large 
portion  of  them  being  received  into  the  upper 
class  before  named,  which,  while  continuing  for  a 
tmie  a  part  of  the  Miami  Chapel  con'2:regation, 
was  already  being  shaped  to  become  a  separate 
church.  In  1870  the  Miami  Conference  adopted 
the  following  resolution:  ''That  we  take  up  an  ap- 
pointment in  West  Dayton  and  add  to  it  the 
Miami  Chapel  charge,  to  be  called  Miami  Chapel 
and  Home  Street  Station,  the  preacher  to  divide 

Hoersting  &  Holtmann 
dgem  Citp  jFurnaceg 

Cornice,  Slate  and  Metal  Roof- 
ing,  Spouting,   and  Jobbing 


Home  Phone  5912  Bell  Main  1912 

1133  W.  Third  St.,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Mrs.  William  Clemmer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jacob 
Zehring,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  N.  Zehring,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  George  Hoffman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  Hoff- 
man, Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  Kincaid,  J.  R.  Hoff- 
man, Benjamin  Arnold,  and  Miss  Lizzie  Hoffman. 
Ninety- three  persons  were  transferred  from  the 
Miami  Chapel  congregation,  and  seven  were  re- 
ceived from  elsewhere,  among  the  latter  being 
Dr.  and  Mrs.  L.  Davis  and  Prof,  and  Mrs.  G.  A. 
Funkhouser.  The  organization  took  place  in  the 
fall  of  1871. 

The  largest  increase  in  the  membership  was 
during  the  pastorate  of  Rev.  G.  M.  Mathews, 
1884-1889,  when  the  number  enrolled  came  to  be 
seven  hundred  and  thirty-three. 

The  church  building  erected  in  1870-1871  cost 
about  $10,000.  The  value  of  the  lot,  estimated  at 
$1,500,  should  probably  be  included  in  the  amount 
named.  The  building  was  a  two-story  brick  struc- 
ture with  a  large  tower  at  the  front,  situated  at 
the  center.  The  upper  story,  intended  for  the 
auditorium,  was  never  finished.  On  July  9,  fol- 
lowing the  dedication,  one-half  of  the  roof  was 
blown  off  and  the  building  otherwise  damaged. 

In  1881-1882  the  building  was  remodeled  and 
completed  as  a  one-story  structure,  and  dedicated 
April  30,  1882.  The  cost  of  reconstruction  was 
$8,098.90,  of  which  sum  John  Dodds  paid  $3,116.29. 

In  1907,  in  the  pastorate  of  Rev.  P.  M.  Camp, 
the  first  direct  steps  were  taken  toward  the  se- 
curing of  a  new  church  home.  In  that  year  a 
subscription  of  $17,000,  payable  in  two  years,  was 
received,  the  Ladies'  Aid  Society  and  the  Sunday- 
school  each  subscribing  $2,500  to  this  amount.  In 
the  summer  of  1910  an  additional  subscription  of 
$10,000  was  taken,  and  the  following  fall  and 
winter  the  work  of  excavating  and  the  building 
of  the  concrete  foundation  were  completed.  The 
church  site  at  the  corner  of  Third  Street  and 
Euclid  Avenue  cost  $7,000. 


Neal  McGreevy,  J'-Pres.& Sec'y        W.  H.  Ortman,  Prcs.&Treas. 

McGreevv  &  Ortman  Co. 

Wholesale  and  Retail  Dealers  in 

Coal,  Lime,  Cement,  Drain  Tile 
and  Sewer  Pipe 

1840  West  Third  Street,  Dayton,  Ohio 

PhonP  S  Bell  Main  50     Residence  \  Home  3849  McGreevy 
'I  Home  2050       Phones     "/ Home  4886-Ortman 

The  West  Side 
Sample  Shoe  Store 

Has  the  Style,  Quality,  and  Price  for 
the  Whole  Family 

r>i       A/r   4.^    ^  Quick  Sales  and 
Our  Motto  ,  g^^j,  p^^^^^ 

1151  W.  Third  St.  ^''^t^f''' 

The  following  dates  indicate  the  progress  in  se- 
curing our  new  church  home:  July  1,  1907,  the 
securing  of  a  deed  for  the  site;  November  8, 
1910,  the  breaking  of  ground;  May  28,  1911,  the 
laying  of  the  corner  stone;  and  May  26,  1912, 
the  dedication. 

The  total  cost  of  the  site  and  the  building,  plus 
the  furnishings,  including  $750  for  removing  and 
rebuilding  the  organ  and  $500  for  a  vacuum 
cleaning  system,  was,  in  round  numbers,  $75,000, 
of  which  amount  $36,000  remained  to  be  provided 
for  at  the  time  of  dedication.  The  subscriptions 
on  the  day  of  dedication  amounted  to  $17,000, 
more  than  15,000  of  which  was  to  be  paid  within 
one  year. 

The  building  committee  consisted  of  A.  W. 
Drury,  W.  F.  Fackler,  W.  H.  Cassel,  Frank 
Wright,  S.  D.  Faust  and  P.  E.  Little,  together 
with  the  pastor.  Rev.  A.  R.  Clippinger. 

A  large  committee  of  about  eighteen  members, 
including  the  persons  above  named,  supervised 
the  canvass  for  subscriptions  and  had  final 
authority  in  awarding  contracts.  The  co-opera- 
tion of  the  congregation  and  the  good  will  mani- 
fested throughout  are  deserving  of  the  highest 

Mr.  Charles  Herby,  the  architect,  was  unstint- 
ing in  the  use  of  his  time  and  skill  in  giving  to 
the  church  its  recognized  beauty  and  complete- 

In  the  fall  of  1911  the  old  church  property  was 
sold  to  the  Society  of  Friends  for  the  sum  of 
$5,500,  the  pipe  organ,  the  bell,  and  the  Sunday- 
school  furniture  being  reserved.  The  Friends 
had  part  use  of  the  property  from  the  time  of 
the  purchase. 

The  first  anniversary  of  the  dedication  of  the 
Church  was  held  Sunday,  June  1,  1913. 





More   than   11,000   regular 
and  occasional  customers 

Every  safeguard  employed,  and  security 
as  good,  for  all  practical  purposes,  as 
that  afforded   by   a   Government    Bond. 

Current  Rates  of  Interest  Paid  and   Every 

Reasonable  Accommodation  Given. 

Present  Dividend  Rate  S'4% 

Offices:  20  to  22  Davies  Building 



Bishop  H.  H.  Fout  preached  the  morning  ser- 
mon, and  the  pastor  occupied  the  pulpit  in  the 

The  Treasurer's  report  showed  that  during  the 
year  over  $13,000  were  paid  on  subscriptions. 

On  Anniversary  Day  new  obligations  were 
made  to  the  amount  of  $4,500,  to  be  paid  within 
twelve  months. 

The  demoralizing  effect  of  the  flood  on  all 
church  work  greatly  diminished  both  the  receipts 
for  the  year  and  the  new  obligations. 

The  second  anniversary  was  observed  June  7, 
1914,  Bishop  G.  M.  Mathews  in  charge.  The  cash 
and  new  subscriptions  totaled  $5,200. 

Dr.  J.  M.  Phillippi,  a  member  of  the  local 
church,  had  charge  of  the  third  anniversary,  which 
was  observed  June  13,  1915.  Cash  and  subscrip- 
tions amounted  to  $4,300.00. 

Design  Work  a  Specialty  Bell  Phone  Main  3518 




Gold   Fish,  Globes,   and   Supplies 
1123  West  Third  Street,  Dayton,  Ohio 

OLIVE  RITTER,  Manager  of  Store 

Bell  Main  7023  Home  Phone  5532 

Home  Bakery 

Main  Store:  1533  West  Tliird  Street 
Branch  Store:  1150  West  Third  Street 




Fresh  and  Salted  Meats 

1109  West  Third  Street,  Dayton,  Ohio 


Pa£ftor3  of  Summit  ^trrrt  and  CEucIili 

Rev.  C.  W.  Miller  ISGO-— 1870 

Rev.  J.  D.  Holtzinger 1870—1871 

Rev.  J.  P.  Landis  1871—1874 

Rev.  C.  Briggs -....1874—1875 

Rev.  A.  W.  Drury 1875—1876 

Rev.  William  Dillon  1876—1877 

Union  Biblical  Seminary  Faculty  1877 — 1878 

Prof.  L.  Davis 

Prof.  G.  A.  Funkhouser 

Prof.  George  Keister 
Editors  of  the  Telescope  and  the  Agent 

of  the  Seminary  1878—1879 

Rev.  J.  W.  Hott 

Rev.  W.  0.  Tobey 

Rev.  S.  M.  Hippard 
Seminary  Faculty   1879—1880 

Prof.  L.  Davis 

Prof.  G.  A.  Funkhouser 

Prof.  George  Keister  (Resigned  at 
end  of  first  quarter). 

Rev.  William  Beardshear  1880—1881 

Rev.  M.  H.  Ambrose 1881—1882 

Rev.  W.  C.  Dav  1882—1884 

Rev.  G.  M.  Mathews  1884—1889 

Rev.  S.  W.  Keister .....1889—1892 

Rev.  R.  Rock  1892—1894 

Rev.  D.  E.  Berger 1894—1895 

Rev.  W.  H.  Klinefelter  1895—1897 

Rev.  C.  W.  Kurtz  1897—1900 

Rev.  C.  J.  Burkert  1900—1905 

Rev.  P.  M.  Camp 1905—1910 

Rev.  Arthur  R.  Clippinger 1910 


PHONE  MAIN  825  HOME  2825 

N.  T.  BISH  &  SON 


1451  West  Third  Street 

p,  (  Bell   1059  C.  L.  V.  REYNOLDS 

f  hones  -J  ^^^^  2059  ,»/»„«« 

The  Reynolds  Hardware  Go. 

Builders'    Hardware,    Anchor    Paint 
Products,  Keen  Kutter  Tools,  Cutlery 

Must  be  Satisfactory  or  Money  Refunded 

1515  West  Third  Street,  Dayton,  Ohio 


©fficial  Roster 


Rev.  Arthur  R.  Clippinger 1605  W.  Second  St. 

Bell  Phone,  Main  5999 


Miss  Ella  F.  Hamilton 1566  W.  First  Street 

Bell  Phone,  Main  5250 

Secretary  of  Official  Board 

Lester  S.  Homan 333  Holt  Street 

General  Steward 

Frank  Schaeffer  925  Cottage  Grove  Ave. 

Church  Treasurer 

Albert  Mueller 822  N.  Broadway 

District  Stewards 

Dr.  H.  A.  Thompson  Prof.  S.  A.  Minnich 

H.  A.  Smith  B.  H.  Foster 

Edward  M.  Lindenmuth    H.  V.  Fryar 
J.  P.  Weaver  J.  A.  McConaughey 

George  Sellers 

Church  Trustees 

William  Fackler  Frank  R.  Wright 

John  S.  Davis  C.  A.  Funkhouser 

William  H.  Cassel  Prof.  A.  W.  Drury 

Dr.  Gran  S.  Staub  Clayte  R.  Brosier 

Sunday-school  Superintendent 

Prof.  William  A.  Weber 1651  W.  First  Street 

Webb  A.  Gilbert  Assistant  Superintendent 

Miss  Ella  F.  Hamilton,  Supt.  Elementary  Division 

Mrs.  John  A.  Gilbert Supt.  of  Beginners'  Dept. 

Mrs.  A.  R.  Clippinger Supt.  of  Cradle  Roll 

Mrs.  H.  A.  Smith Supt.  of  Home  Department 



John  Weiffenbach 


Estimates  Freely  Given 
All  repair  work  promptly  attended  to. 

1528  West  Third  Street,  Dayton,  Ohio 



Merchant  Tailor 

Now  Showing  Fall  Styles— Work  Guaranteed 
1523  West  Third  Street 


Sunday-school  Executive  Committee 

Dr.  A.  W.  Drury  E.  Jay  Rogers 

William  H.  Cassel  Clayte  R.  Brosier 

Dr.  Paul  Gabel 

President  of  Brotherhood 

E.  Jay  Rogers W.  Fifth  Street 

President  of  Christian  Endeavor  Society 
Lester  S.  Homan 333  Holt  Street 

President  of  Woman's  Missionary  Society 

Mrs.  Justina  Showers :....1527  W.  First  Street 

President  of  Otterbein  Guild 

Miss  Sara  Hoffman 620  Oxford  Avenue 

President  of  the  Ladies'  Aid  Society 

Mrs.  John  A.  Gilbert 1226  W.  Third  Street 

Bell  Phone  5674  Expert  Repairing 


Yale  Motorcycles     Bicycles 

Free  Air,  Gasoline,  Autocycle  and  Bicycle 
Accessories,  Base  Ball  Goods,  Fishing  Tackle 

936  West  Third  Street,  Dayton,  Ohio 


Bell  Main  1725  Home  Phone  5600 

Mrs.  Anna  M.  Herter 


Grain,  Hay  and  all  kinds  of  Feed 

1017  West  Third  Street 


1014  West  Third  Street,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Cf)urcf)  CalenDar 


Bible  School  9:15  a.m. 

Morning  Worship  10:30  a.m. 

Junior  Christian  Endeavor 2:  00  p.  m. 

Senior  Christian  Endeavor 6:  30  p.m. 

Evening  Worship  7:30  p.m. 


Bible  Study  and  Prayer  Service 

Wednesday,  7:  30  p.  m. 
Ladies'  Aid,  sewing  and  dinner  Thursday 


Official  Board  meets  the  first  Tuesday  evening 
of  every  month  at  7:  30. 

Ladies'  Aid  Business  Meeting  is  held  the  last 
Friday  of  every  month  at  2 :  30  p.  m. 

The  Woman's  Missionary  Society  meets  the  first 
Wednesday  of  every  month  at  2:  30  p.  m. 

The  Otterbein  Guild  meets  the  first  Tuesday  of 
every  month  at  7 :  30  p.  m. 

Holy  Communion  Services 

The  first  Sunday  in  January,  April,  July,  and 

New  Church  Anniversary 

The  last  Sunday  of  May.    (Exact  date,  May  26). 

"What  kind  of  a  Church 
Would  this  Church  be, 
If  every  member  were 
Just  like  me." 


Savi  Your  Ol/ Hats 

We  qan  make  thefo  like  new 
with  Nut  little  yeost  to  you. 
Men'sXand  Women's  Felt, 
Panam\,  ojr  Straw  Hats 
Cleanedlana  Remodeled  by 
expert  Matters.  For  infor- 
mation Wall    Main    207. 

The  SiAder  Hat  Co 

Hatters  and  FiirriislKTs 

15  East  Third  Street 





Please  bear  us  in   mind  when 
placing  insurance. 


(  Bell  Main  623 
)  Home  2623 

No.  233  N.  Main  St.,  'The  Cooper' 




Allsup,  Miss  Gertrude  310  Brooklyn  Ave. 

Amlin,  Charles  733  Idaho  Ave. 

Amlin,  Mrs.  Jeanette 733  Idaho  Ave. 

Amlin,  Orville  W 733  Idaho  Ave. 

Amlin,  Dorothy  G 733  Idaho  Ave. 

Andrews,  Mrs.  Charlotte  55  Horace  St. 

Apple,  Joseph  A 1626  W.  Second  St. 

Apple,  Mrs.  Ida  S.  T. 1626  W.  Second  St. 

Archer,  Mrs.  Melissa 1560  W.  Second  St. 

Archer,  Hattie  1560  W.  Second  St. 

Arnold,  Harry  625  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Ashinger,  Fred  1542  Germantown  St. 

Ashinger,  Mrs.  Jennie  1542  Germantown  St. 

Aufulflish,  John  B 734  River  St. 

Aufuldish,  Mrs.  Clara  734  River  St. 

Aufuldish,  Mrs.  Luella  M 36  Gordon  Ave. 

Aufuldish,  Howard  E 34  Gordon  Ave. 

Aufuldish,  Mrs.  Ethel  M 34  Gordon  Ave. 

Bailey,  Orlie  C 43  Hallwood  Ave. 

Baker,  Margaret  216  N.  Broadway 

Banning,  Tavlor  1861  W.  Fifth  St. 

Banning,  Mrs.  Daisy  1861  W.  Fifth  St. 

Banning,  Ruth  1861  W.  Fifth  St. 

Banta,  Mrs.  Mary  A 206  N.  Summit  St. 

Banta,  Mazie  J 206  N.  Summit  St. 

Barnhardt,  Mrs.  Carrie  H 107  Fountain  Ave. 

Barnhardt,  Josephine  107  Fountain  Ave. 

Bartells,  Mrs.  Emma  1518  W.  Second  St. 

Bayless,  Leona  1651  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Bennet,  Mrs.  Delia  1532  W.  Second  St. 

Bennet,  Orville  C 1532  W.  Second  St. 

Bennet,  Gladys  1532  W.  Second  St. 

Bently,  Frank  B 1247  W.  Second  St. 

Bently,  Mrs.  Daisy  1247  W.  Second  St. 


Binkley,  Charles  A 1027  Home  Ave. 

Binkley,  Mrs.  Pearl  1027  Home  Ave. 

Binkley,  Lyle  1027  Home  Ave. 

Binkley,  Lloyd  1027  Home  Ave. 

Blackwell,  Mrs.  Mary  422  Lexington  Ave. 

Blackwell,  Eva  422  Lexington  Ave. 

Blakley,  Mrs.  Susie  423  S.  Summit  St. 

Blinn,  Vera  B 1614  W.  First  St. 

Blough,  Earl  525  College  St. 

Bookwalter,  George  1128  W.  Second  St. 

Bookwalter,  Earl 1128  W.  Second  St. 

Boone,  Blanche  C 724  Idaho  Ave. 

Boswell,  Mrs.  Mary  A 328  Linwood  Ave. 

Bowersox,  Mrs.  Ida  M 1007  Washington  St. 

Bowersox,  Alma  R 1007  Washington  St. 

Bowersox,  Hazel  1007  Washington  St. 

Bowman,  Mrs.  Katie  645  Negley  Place 

Bowman,  Harry  645  Negley  Place 

Bowman,  Mrs.  Nelle  645  Negley  Place 

Boyd,  Mrs.  Annie  335  Spitler  Ave. 

Bradley,  Mrs.  Almeda  25  Cyrus  St. 

Brannum,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  115  Eastern  Ave. 

Brightvvell,  Mrs.  Mary  E 315  N.  Broadway 

Brightwell,  Mrs.  Ada  105  S.  Matheson  St. 

Brindle,  J.  W 287  Air  St. 

Brindle,  Mrs.  J.  W 287  Air  St. 

Brosier,  Alfred  J 25  College  St. 

Brosier,  Mrs.  Mabel  25  College  St. 

Brosier,  Beulah  M 25  College  St. 

Brosier,  Hazel  A 25  College  St. 

Brosier,  Clayte  R 307  Lexington  Ave. 

Brosier,  Ruth  C 307  Lexington  Ave. 

Brosier,  Paul  M 307  Lexington  Ave. 

Brokaw,  Mrs.  Olive 204  Kammer  Ave. 

Brower,  Mrs.  Lizzie  1250  W.  First  St. 

Brower,  John  S 1209  W.  First  St. 

Brower,  Mrs.  Florence  1209  W.  First  St. 

Brower,  Erma  1209  W.  First  St. 

Brown,  Mrs.  Cora  1609  W.  Second  St. 

Brown,  Harold  1609  W.  Second  St. 

Bruner,  Mrs.  Ida  1524  W.  First  St. 


Bru-ner,  Francis  1524  W.  First  St. 

Bruner,*  Gerald  1524  W.  First  St. 

Bryant,  Dr.  William  B 2004  W.  Third  St. 

Bryant,  Mrs.  Emma  2004  W.  Third  St. 

Bushong,  Rev.  Thomas  F 1008  Home  Ave. 

Bushong,  Mrs.  Florence  M 1008  Home  Ave. 

Byrd,  Blanche  1002  River  St. 

Campbell,  Glea  Levon  137  Kilmer  St. 

Canton,  John  1554  W.  Second  St. 

Canton,  Mrs.  Sara 1554  W.  Second  St. 

Canton,  Hazel  1554  W.  Second  St. 

Cassel,  William  H 57  Oxford  Ave. 

Cassel,  Mrs.  Callie  D 57  Oxford  Ave. 

Cassel,  Homer  D 57  Oxford  Ave. 

Cassel,  Mabel  57  Oxford  Ave. 

Clark,  William  B 345  S.  Broadway 

Clark,  Mrs.  Martha  345  S.  Broadway 

Clark,   Stella   345  S.  Broadway 

Clark,  Claude  L 1559  W.  Fifth  St. 

Clark,  Wesley  0 1559  W.  Fifth  St. 

Clemmer,  Chai'les  W 206  Bish  Ave. 

Clemmer,  Mrs.  Charles  W 206  Bish  Ave. 

Clippinger,  Rev.  Arthur  R 1605  W.  Second  St. 

Clippinger,  Mrs.  Ellen  M 1605  W.  Second  St. 

Clippinger,  Conrad  K 1605  W.  Second  St. 

Collett,  William  H 1621  W.  Fifth  St. 

Collett,  Mrs.  Cora  D 1621  W.  Fifth  St. 

Collett,  Fausta  1621  W.  Fifth  St. 

Conover,  Mrs.  Mary  320  Woodward  Ave. 

Cook,  Charles  H 1529  W.  First  St. 

Cook,  Mrs.  Mary  E 1529  W.  First  St. 

Cook,  Harry  Shoop  Avenue 

Cook,  Mrs.  Alice  Shoop  Avenue 

Corlette,  Robert  V 1025  W.  Fourth  St. 

Corlette,  Mrs.  Mary  1025  W.  Fourth  St. 

Cosier,  Mrs.  Ida  B 21  Antioch  St. 

Cosier,  Marie  S 21  Antioch  St. 

Cotterman,  John  23  Kilmer  St. 

Cotterman,  Mrs.  Ella  23  Kilmer  St. 

Couk,  John  W 131  Ferguson  Ave. 

Cromes,  Mildred 1019  Home  Ave. 


Culbert,  Mrs.  Mary  E 223  Conover  St. 

Crowel,  Mrs.  Verna  213  N.  Western  Ave. 

Curk,  Willis  W 314  N.  Broadway 

Curk,  Mrs.  Mellie  B.  : 314  N.  Broadway 

Curk,  Ralph   314  N.  Broadway 

Curl,  Thomas  1632  W.  First  St. 

Dann,  Mrs.  R 1647  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Davis,  Mrs.  Eliza  J 348  Fourth  Ave. 

Davis,  John  S 39  Oxford  Ave. 

Davis,  Mrs.  Vinnie  H 39  Oxford  Ave. 

Davis,  Donald  H 39  Oxford  Ave. 

Davis,  Mrs.  Almeda 11  N.  Summit  St. 

Davis,  Wilbur  11  N.  Summit  St. 

Dedisman,  Harrv  H 2421  W.  Third  St. 

Dedisman,  Mrs.  Cora  2421  W.  Third  St. 

Delp,  Mrs.  Sara  19  Farley  St. 

Delp,  Charles  19  Farley  St. 

Delp,  Mary  19  Farley  St. 

Denise,  Mrs.  Jane  106  Clemmer  St. 

DePriest,  Benjamin  329  S.  Broadway 

DePriest,  Mrs.  Amy  649  Negley  Place 

DeWolf,  Frank  R 227  Woodward  Ave. 

DeWolf,  Mrs.  Lillie  M 227  Woodward  Ave. 

DeWolf,  Phvllis  227  Woodward  Ave. 

Dickensheets,  William  1316  S.  Brown  St. 

Doup,  Jacob  0 1535  W.  Second  St. 

Doup,  Emma  1535  W.  Second  St. 

Doup,  Houston 12  Reist  Ave. 

Drury,  Prof.  A.  W 203  N.  Summit  St. 

Drury,  Mrs.  Sophia  203  N.  Summit  St. 

Drury,  Mabel  203  N.  Summit  St. 

Drury,  Agnes  203  N.  Summit  St. 

Drury,  Ruth  203  N.  Summit  St. 

Dubbs,  Isaac  1546  Germantown  St. 

Dubbs,  Mrs.  Ada  1546  Germantown  St. 

Dubbs,  Verl  B  305  S.  Williams  St. 

Dunlap,  Mrs.  Ada  19  Weller  St. 

Dunlevy,  Gerald  353  Fourth  Ave. 

Dunn,  Mrs.  Alice  100  Wyoming  St. 

Dye,  Earl  S 40  College  St. 

Dye,  Robert  S 40  College  St. 


Earhart,  Mrs.  E 1263  W.  First  St. 

E^gleston,  Albert  M 1700  W.  Monume'nt  Ave. 

Ellsworth,  Elmus  1522  W.  First  St. 

Emerick,  George  B 646  Oxford  Ave. 

Epler,  Helen  1542  Germantown  St. 

Estabrook,  A.  E 617  N.  Williams  St. 

Estabrook,  Mrs.  Gertrude  617  N.  Williams  St. 

Estabrook,  Lillian  617  N.  Williams  St. 

Estabrook,  Catherine  617  N.  Williams  St. 

Evans,  Mrs.  Bertha  M 307  Antioch  St. 

Ewing,  Mrs.  C.  W 2530  W.  Third  St. 

Ewing,  Ernest  2530  W.  Third  St. 

Ewing,  Evaline  2530  W.  Third  St. 

Ewing,  George  2530  W.  Third  St. 

Ewry,  Benjamin  R 141  Leroy  St. 

Ewry,  Mrs.  Belle  A 141  Leroy  St. 

Ewry,  Fern 141  Leroy  St. 

Ewrv,  Lucile  141  Leroy  St. 

Exline,  Albert   1306  Home  Ave. 

Exline,  Mrs.  Grace 1306  Home  Ave. 

Fackler,  William  F 327  S.  Summit  St. 

Fackler,  Mrs.  Annie  M 327  S.  Summit  St. 

Fackler,  Fred  R 1113  Home  Ave. 

Fair,  Edwin  S 131  Leroy  St. 

Fair,  Mrs.  Clara  B 131  Leroy  St. 

Fair,  Bessie  M 131  Leroy  St. 

Fair,  Catherine  131  Leroy  St. 

Fair,  Mrs.  Roy 125  Leroy  St. 

Fansher,  William  123  N.  Summit  St. 

Fansher,  Mrs.  Izora  123  N.  Summit  St. 

Fansher,  Robert  123  N.  Summit  St. 

Fansher,  Mrs.  Ruth  C Lamar  Flats,  No.  14 

Faust,  Prof.  S.  D 1614  W.  First  St. 

Faust,  Mrs.  Lizzie  M 1614  W.  First  St. 

Fletcher,  Karl  15  Olive  St. 

Fletcher,  Mrs.  Leona  15  Olive  St. 

Flook,  Elmer  303  Howell  Ave. 

Flook,  Mrs.  Jeanette  303  Howell  Ave. 


Flory,  Mrs.  Mollie  E 100  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Poland,  Mrs.  Ethel  24  Barnett  St. 

Foster,  Benjamin  H 638  N.  Williams  St. 

Foster,  Mrs.  Benjamin  H 638  N.  Williams  St. 

Foster,  John  638  N.  Williams  St. 

Fout,  Dr.  J.  E 1521  W.  First  St. 

Fout,  Mrs.  J.  E 1521  W.  First  St. 

Fouts,   George   Ill  N.  Williams  St. 

Fouts,  Mrs.  Lou  Ill  N.  Williams  St. 

Fouts,  Bessie Ill  N.  Williams  St. 

Fox,  Al.  S 845  N.  Broadway 

Fox,  Mrs.  Susan  845  N.  Broadway 

Fox,  Virginia  K 845  N.  Broadway 

Frederick,  Dollie  125  N.  Jefferson  St. 

Freeman,  Rose 1540  W.  First  St. 

Fryar,  Henry  V 2809  W.  Third  St. 

Fryar,  Mrs.  Clara  V 2809  W.  Third  St. 

Fryar,  Allie  2809  W.  Third  St. 

Funkhouser,  Dr.  G.  A 27  N.  Summit  St. 

Funkhouser,  Mrs.  Susan  M 27  N.  Summit  St. 

Funkhouser,  Luther 27  N.  Summit  St. 

Funkhouser,  Frederick  A 232  Harvard  Blvd. 

Funkhouser,  Mrs.  Ethel  M 232  Harvard  Blvd. 

Funkhouser,  James  232  Harvard  Blvd. 

Funkhouser,  Frederick,  Jr 232  Harvard  Blvd. 

Funkhouser,  Charles  A 1407  Grand  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  Robert  D 305  N.  Broadway 

Funkhouser,  Mrs.  Jessie  L 305  N.  Broadway 

Funkhouser,  Robert,  Jr 305  N.  Broadway 

Funkhouser,   Richard 305  N.  Broadway 

Funkhouser,  George  A.,  Jr Salem  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  A.  A Findlay  St.,  Widows'  Home 

Funkhouser,  Hugh  K 609  Oxford  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  Mrs.  Irma  D 609  Oxford  Ave. 

Gabel,  Mrs.  Belle  649  Negley  Place 

Gabel,  Dr.  Paul  E 649  Negley  Place 

Ganster,  Earl  227  Woodward  Ave. 

Geiske,  Mrs.  Flora  36  S.  Walnut  St. 

Gever,  Florence  1736  W.  Fifth  St. 

Gilbert,  Mrs.  John  A 1226  W.  Third  St. 


Gilbert,  Webster  A 442  Edgewater  Ave. 

Gilbert,  Mrs.  Maria  M 442  Edgewater  Ave. 

Gilbert,  Kathryn  442  Edgewater  Ave. 

Gilbert,  Mary  F 442  Edgewater  Ave. 

Gilbert,  Frank  J 23  Lexington  Ave. 

Gilbert,  Dorothy  : 23  Lexington  Ave. 

Gilbert,  Janet  23  Lexington  Ave. 

Gilbert,  Edward  L 235  McDonough  St. 

Gilbert,  Mrs.  Mary  Etta  235  McDonough  St. 

Griest,  Mrs.  Clara  449  Oxford  Ave. 

Griffith,  John  M 1621  W.  Second  St. 

Griffith,  Mrs.  Viola  1621  W.  Second  St. 

Griffith,  Hazel  M 1621  W.  Second  St. 

Gunter,  Mrs.  Nellie  1016  Superior  Ave. 

Haas,  Mrs.  Frank  1559  W.  Fifth  St. 

Hall,  Melle  1426  Germantown  St. 

Hall,  Carrie  Mav  1426  Germantown  St. 

Hamilton,  Ella  F 1566  W.  First  St. 

Hamilton,  Jessie  E 1566  W.  First  St. 

Harper,  Mrs.  Mary  C 1233  W.  Third  St. 

Hartman,  Guy  F Bonebrake  Seminary 

Hartman,  Mrs.  Ora  L Bonebrake  Seminary 

Hartzell,  Mrs.   Nellie   106  S.  Broadway 

Hartzell,   Merril   106  S.  Broadway 

Hash,  Mrs.  Grace  431  N.  Williams  St. 

Heck,  Myrtle  1107  W.  Second  St. 

Heck,  James  K 2302  W.  Second  St. 

Heck,  Mrs.  Martha  M 2302  W.  Second  St. 

Heeter,  Mrs.  Anna  K 20  S.  Summit  St. 

Heimer,  Mrs.  Josephine  303  Spitler  Ave. 

Herter,  Anna  M 20  N.  Williams  St. 

Hi<Tgins,  Mrs.  Eugene  228  Felker's  Lane 

Hildebrandt,   Fay  1564  W.  Second  St. 

Hodgson,  Percv  Brown  St. 

Hoffman,  David  A 612  N.  Broadway 

Hoffman,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  612  N.  Broadway 

Hoffman,  Walter  612  N.  Broadway 

Hoffman,  Joseph  1 620  Oxford  Ave. 

Hoffman,  Mrs.  Nancy  620  Oxford  Ave. 

Hoffman,  Sara  620  Oxford  Ave. 


Hole,   James   1814  Dakota  St. 

Holland,  DeWitt  1557  W.  Fifth  St. 

Holman,  Mrs.  Edward  416  S.  Summit  St. 

Holtzinger,  Lewis  F 1263  W.  First  St. 

Homan,  Lester  S 333  Holt  St. 

Homan,  Mrs.  Zelpha  333  Holt  St. 

Hook,  Dennis  102  N.  Mathison  St. 

Hook,  Mrs.  Dennis  102  N.  Mathison  St. 

Hoover,  John  J 22  College  St. 

Hoover,  Mrs.  John  J 22  College  St. 

Hoover,  Lucile  22  College  St. 

Hoover,  John  Russel  22  College  St. 

Hoover,  Earl  22  College  St. 

Hoover,  Rodney  22  College  St. 

Horn,  Mrs.  Marie  205  N.  Broadway 

Horn,  Jack  205  N.  Broadway 

Horn,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  22  S.  Summit  St. 

Horn,  Harold  H 22  S.  Summit  St. 

Horn,  Byford  L 22  S.  Summit  St. 

Horn,  Mrs.  Lula  J 22  S.  Summit  St. 

Hottes,  Mrs.  Mary  511  N.  Williams  St. 

Houser,  Henry  V 231  Boyer  St. 

Houser,  Mrs.  Emma 231  Bover  St. 

Houser,  Edith  E 231  Boyer  St. 

Huddle,  Rev.  Samuel  911  Lexington  Ave. 

Huddle,  Mrs.  Elizabeth 911  Lexington  Ave. 

Huddle,  Helen 700  Lexington  Ave. 

Huddle,  Ruth 700  Lexington  Ave. 

Hughes,  Donald  26  College  St. 

Humphrey,  Mrs.  Ida  M 259  Lexington  Ave. 

Iddings,  Mary  529  College  St. 

Iddings,  Katie  529  College  St. 

Ingram,  Orval  1643  National  Ave. 

Ingram,  Mrs.  Myrtle  1643  National  Ave. 

Jackson,  Mrs.  Katie  23  Kilmer  St. 

Jeffryes,  Helen  120  Reisinger  Ave. 

Jeffryes,  Clara  L 120  Reisinger  Ave. 

John,  Mrs.  Katharine  1221  W.  Fifth  St. 

John,   Laura  1221  W.  Fifth  St. 

Johnson,  Michael  275  S.  Williams  St. 


Johnson,  Mrs.  Michael 275  S.  Williams  St. 

Julick,  Mrs.  Lucy  50  Howell  Ave. 

Karper,  May 1025  W.  Fourth  St. 

Keck,  John  204  N.  Summit  St. 

Keck,  Mrs.  John 204  N.  Summit  St. 

Kelchner,  Archie  1547  W.  Second  St. 

Kelchner,  Mrs.  Mary  1547  W.  Second  St. 

Keller,  George  0 1011  Home  Ave. 

Keller,  Mrs.  Emma  E 1011  Home  Ave. 

Keller,  Roger  1 268  Conover  St. 

Keller,  Mrs.  Regina  268  Conover  St. 

Keller,  Edward  A 17  Marion  St. 

Keller,  Mrs.  Marv  17  Marion  St. 

Kemp,  Fred R.  R.  No.  4 

Kemp,  Mrs.  Edna  R.  R-  No.  4 

Kemp,  George  R.  R-  No.  4 

Kemp,   Homer   R.  R.  No.  4 

Kemp,  Russel  R.  R.  No.  4 

Kemp,  Harry  R.  R-  No.  4 

Kendall,  Dr.  J.  S 1602  Grand  Ave. 

Kendall,  Mrs.  J.  S 1602  Grand  Ave. 

Kepler,  George  0 1606  W.  Second  St. 

Kepler,  Mrs.  Mary  C 1606  W.  Second  St. 

Kepler,  Mildred  E 1606  W.  Second  St. 

Kern,  Ralph  R 20  S.  Summit  St. 

Ki^er,  Mrs.  A.  J 1423  W.  Third  St. 

Kiger,  Don   1318  W.  Fifth  St. 

Kiger,  Mrs.  Sara  B 1313  W.  Fifth  St. 

Kiger,  Mrs.  Nettie  2530  W.  Third  St. 

Kline,  Mrs.  Carrie  2025  E.  Fifth  St. 

Killen,  Mrs.  Leo  C 405  Hawthorn  St. 

Knox,  Mrs.  Phoebe  141  Gold  St. 

Krea^er,  J.  W 41  Baker  St. 

Kumler,  Jesse  B 1567  W.  Second  St. 

Kumler,  Effie  1567  W.  Second  St. 

Kumler,  Juan  R 1641  W.  First  St. 

Kumler,  Harry  1641  W.  First  St. 

Kumler,  Mrs.  Madge  Arcade  Building,  No.  414 

Kunkle,  Helen  1651  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Kunkle,  Ada  1651  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Kunkle,  Luther  ...'. 1651  W.  Monument  Ave. 


LaFord,  Mrs.  Belle  1126  W.  Fourth  St. 

Landis,  Prof.  J.  P 1566  W.  Second  St. 

Landis,  Mrs.  Addie  1566  W.  Second  St. 

Landis,  Robert  K 832  Lexington  Ave. 

Landis,  Mrs.  Francena  921  Ferndale  Ave. 

LaVassuer,  Mrs.  Mary  228  Kenwood  Ave. 

Lee,  Austin  D 227  Kilmer  St. 

Leonard,  Harry  J 121  Orchard  St. 

Leonard,  Mrs.  Harry  121  Orchard  St. 

Leslie,  Mrs.  Julia  209  N.  Williams  St. 

Lewis,  Benjamin  H 31  Reigel  St. 

Lindenmuth,  Edward  M 34  Baker  St. 

Lindenmuth,  Mrs.  Dora  34  Baker  St. 

Lindenmuth,  Robert  R.  R.  No.  4 

Lindenmuth,  Mrs.  Margaret  W R.  R.  No.  4 

Little,  Peter  420  River  St. 

Little,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  J 420  River  St. 

Lock,  Mrs.  Maud  15  Clemmer  St. 

Long,  Mrs.  Edith  768  River  St. 

Longenecker,  Dr.  O.  B 1330  Grand  Ave. 

Long'enecker,  Mrs.  Clara  1330  Grand  Ave. 

Longenecker,  A.  Irene  1330  Grand  Ave. 

Lorenz,  Edward  1608  W.  First  St. 

Lorenz,    Barbara    1608  W.  First  St. 

Lucas,  Mrs.  Rebecca  1009  Washington  St. 

Lumby,  Mrs.  Margaretta  32  College  St. 

Lumby,  Margaretta  E 32  College  St. 

Lumby,  Walter  J 32  College  St. 

Maltby,  Earl  39  Howell  Ave. 

Maltby,  Mrs.  Sonora  39  Howell  Ave. 

Mannington,  Louise  218  Meredith  St. 

Markland,  W.  M 631  N.  Williams  St. 

Markland,  Mrs.  W.  M 631  N.  Williams  St. 

Marsh,   George   14  Marion  St. 

Marsh,  Mrs.  Susie  14  Marion  St. 

Masters,  Mrs.  Anna  14  Hawthorn  St. 

Matheus,  Leslie  784  River  St. 

Matheus,  Mrs.  Florence  784  River  St. 

May,  Mrs.  Elnora  15  Clemmer  St. 

May,  Edward   S 337  Lexington  Ave. 


May,  Mrs.  Bertha  M 337  Lexington  Ave. 

Midlam,  Wilbur  1253  S.  Broadway 

Midlam,   Robert  1536  W.  First  St. 

Mikesell,  Daniel  142  S.  Williams  St. 

Mikesell,  Mrs.  Martha  142  S.  Williams  St. 

Miller,  Mrs.  Emma  1516  W.  Fifth  St. 

Miller,  George  W 2108  W.  Third  St. 

Miller,  Mrs.  Jennie  2108  W.  Third  St. 

Miller,  Rev.  P.  A 211  Reisinger  Ave. 

Miller,  Mrs.  P.  A 211  Reisinger  Ave. 

Miller,  Mildred  211  Reisinger  Ave. 

Miller,  Vivienne  1641  W.  Second  St. 

Miller,  Mildred  L 1641  W.  Second  St. 

Miller,  Mrs.  Daisv  L 228  Kenwood  Ave. 

Minnich,  Prof.  Samuel  A 1221  W.  First  St. 

Minnich,  Mrs.  Ida 1221  W.  First  St. 

Molen,  Charles  E 541  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Molen,  Mrs.  Anna  541  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Moore,  Alexander  622  Washington  St. 

Moore,  Mrs.  Clara  622  Washington  St. 

Mowrey,  Walter  1525  W.  Second  St. 

Mueller,  Albert 822  N.  Broadway 

Mueller,  Mrs.  Marv  L 822  N.  Broadway 

Mueller,  Doris  B.  .^. 822  N.  Broadway 

Mueller,  Charles  E 822  N.  Broadway 

McBride,  Ada  R.  R.  No.  1 

McChesney,  Nellie  1628  W.  Secooid  St. 

McChesnev,  Emma  1628  W.  Second  St. 

McClintock,  Mildred  M 729  N.  Euclid  Ave. 

McClure,  Mrs.  Susan  J 1401  W.  Fifth  St. 

McClure,  Nathan  Steele  High  School  Bldg. 

McClure,  Dorothy  A Steele  High  School  Bldg. . 

McConaughv,  Jesse  1546  W.  Second  St. 

McConaughv,  Mrs.  Mabel  1546  W.  Second  St. 

McConaughy,  Rhea 1546  W.  Second  St. 

McConaughy,  Gwynne  H 1546  W.  Second  St. 

McDermott,  Mrs.  Daisy  214  S.  Williams  St. 

McGuire,  Grace  513  N.  Williams  St. 

McHenrv,  Mrs.  R.  E 301  Lexington  Ave. 

McKee,  Mrs.  Lydia  901  W.  Third  St. 

McMurry,  Dorothy  1711  W.  Third  St. 


McNelly,  Louis  C 449  Kilmer  St. 

McNelly,  Mrs.  Louis  C 449  Kilmer  St. 

Newlancl,  William  1531  W.  Third  St. 

Newland,  Ben  W 1531  W.  Third  St. 

Nicholas,  A.  Jackson  1541  W.  Second  St. 

Nicholas,  Mrs.  Mollie  N 1541  W.  Second  St. 

Nicholas,  Jacob 524  N.  Williams  St. 

Nicholas,  Mrs.  Lillian  524  N.  Williams  St. 

Nicholas,  Grant  1522  W.  First  St. 

Nicholas,  Mrs.  Bertha  1522  W.  First  St. 

Norris,  Ella  I Y.  W.  C.  A. 

Norris,  Mrs.  Amanda 16  Lerov  St. 

Norris,  Ray  E 16  Leroy  St. 

Orput,  Amelia  Ill  N.  Williams  St. 

Osbun,  Harry  J 2011  N.  Main  St. 

Osbun,  Mrs.  Harry  2011  N.  Main  St. 

Osbun,  Ruth  2011  N.  Main  St. 

Ott,  Mrs.  Laura  Mae 21  S.  Beckel  St. 

Overpeck,  Mrs.  Martha  1544  W.  Fifth  St. 

Ozias,  Charles  B Sunset  Ave. 

Parish,  Edward  K 1267  W.  First  St. 

Parish,  Mrs.  Ella  1267  W.  First  St. 

Patterson,  Samuel  E 2309  W.  Second  St. 

Patterson,  Mrs.  S.  E 2309  W.  Second  St. 

Peeling,  Mrs.  Martha  128  Best  St. 

Phillippi,  Dr.  J.  M 1603  W.  Third  St. 

Phillippi,  Mrs.  Marie  DeWitt 1603  W.  Third  St. 

Phillippi,  Dale  Martin  1603  W.  Third  St. 

Phillips,  Ralph  228  Antioch  St. 

Pickle,  Stephen  1532  W.  Second  St. 

Pickle,  Olive  1634  W.  Second  St. 

Pippino:er,  Mrs.  Mary  T 1544  W.  First  St. 

Pleasant,  Mrs.  Dora  M 2102  W.  Third  St. 

Powell,  Helen  1544  W.  Fifth  St. 

Powers,  Edgar   430  S.  Summit  St. 

Powers,  Mrs.  Mary 430  S.  Summit  St. 

Price,  David  115  Clemmer  St. 

Propst,  S.  A 2444  W.  Third  St. 


Propst,  Mrs.  Naomi  2444  W.  Third  St. 

Propst,  Alice  L 2444  W.  Third  St. 

Propst,  Lewis  M 2444  W.  Third  St. 

Puis,   Daniel   1554  W.  First  St. 

Puis,  Mrs.  Bertha 1554  W.  First  St. 

Puterbaugh,  Arthur 1705  W.  Second  St. 

Reasor,  Samuel  R 341  Fourth  Ave. 

Reasor,  Mrs.  Priscilla 841  Fourth  Ave. 

Reasor,  Howard  W 1554  W.  Fifth  St. 

Reichard,  Mrs.  Na'n  Jones  St. 

Repp,  Mrs.  Mary  22  Cvrus  St. 

Revnolds,  C.  L.  V 2200  W.  Third  St. 

Reynolds,  Mrs.  Dona  2200  W.  Third  St. 

Rhodes,  Dorothv  204  Kammer  Ave. 

Rice,  Mrs.  Fernie  1263  W.  First  St. 

Rilev,  Frances  112  Reisinger  Ave. 

Rollers,  E.  J 1366  W.  Fifth  St. 

Rogers,  Mrs.  E.  J 1366  W.  Fifth  St. 

Ross,  S.  N 1020  Home  Ave. 

Ross,  Zella  F 1020  Home  Ave. 

Ross,  Rubv  D 1020  Home  Ave. 

Ross,  Royal  26  Baker  St. 

Ross,  Mrs.  Mary  26  Baker  St. 

Routzahn,  Mrs.  Cora  J 124  N.  Summit  St. 

Routzahn,  Violet  A 124  N.  Summit  St. 

Routzahn,  Karl  P 124  N.  Summit  St. 

Ryan,  James  30  Champa  Ave. 

Ryan,  Mrs.  Josephine  30  Champa  Ave. 

Savior,  Perrv  E 1442  W.  Third  St. 

Savior,  Harvey 1442  W.  Third  St. 

Savior,  Mrs.  Maggie  1442  W.  Third  St. 

Schell,  Dr.  W.  E 718  Oxford  Ave. 

Schell,  Mrs.  W.  E 718  Oxford  Ave. 

Schell,  Ruth  718  Oxford  Ave. 

Schaeffer,   Frank   923  Cottage  Grove  Ave. 

Schaeffer,  Mrs.  Frank  923  Cottage  Grove  Ave. 

Scholl,  Mrs.  Mary  40  Hallwood  Ave. 

Scholl,  William  1 40  Hallwood  Ave. 

Scholl,  Anthony  J 40  Hallwood  Ave. 


Scholl,  Robert  G 40  Hallwood  Ave 

Scholl,  Mrs.  Nora  36  Emmet  St. 

Seger,  Mrs.  Jennie  L 2026  W.  Third  St. 

Seo-er,  Lowess  2026  W.  Third  St. 

Seber,  George 353  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Seger,  Mrs.  Delia  353  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Seiler,  J.  H 125  S.  Summit  St. 

Seller,  Mrs.  Mabel  125  S.  Summit  St. 

Sellers,   George   215  Louie  St. 

Shane,  Katie  361  Fourth  Ave. 

Shaw,  Ward  1814  Dakota  St. 

Shaw,  Mrs.  Minnie  1814  Dakota  St. 

Shaw,  Harry  1814  Dakota  St. 

Sherer,  Mrs.  Sara  Jane  36  Hallwood  Ave. 

Sherer,  Lulu  36  Hallwood  Ave. 

Sherer,  Charles  W 36  Hallwood  Ave. 

Shinn,  Mrs.  Iva 1107  W.  Second  St. 

Showers,  Mrs.  Justina 1527  W.  First  St. 

Shu.ey,  Raymond  T 325  S.  Summit  St. 

Shuey,  Raymond  S 340  Xenia  Ave. 

Shuey,  Mrs.  Elsa  340  Xenia  Ave. 

Sibi^n,  Mrs.  Orlee  Natl.  Militarv  Home,  Box  65 

Sivci :,  Mrs.  Minta  V 1455  W.  Third  St. 

Sivert,  Mary  J 1455  W.  Third  St. 

Sivert,  Agnes  1 1455  W.  Third  St. 

Small,  Chalce  1438  W.  Third  St. 

Small,  Samuel  941  S.  Summit  St. 

Smart,  Nellie  R.  R.  No.  10 

Smith,  Jesse  C 811  Superior  Ave. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Jessie  L 811  Superior  Ave. 

Smith,  Lloyd  811  Superior  Ave. 

Smith,  William  811  Superior  Ave. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Anna 24  Paisley  St. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Ellen  Cook  205  Heaton  Ave. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Barbara  541  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Smith,  H.  A 1028  Home  Ave. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Beulah  1028  Home  Ave. 

Smith,  J.  Ellsworth 307  Woodward  Ave. 

Smith,  Mrs.  J.  E 307  Woodward  Ave. 

Snyder,  Charles  58  Gordon  Ave. 

"^nyder,  Mrs.  Charles  58  Gordon  Ave. 


Snyder,  Mrs.  Beatrice  146  Ferguson  Ave. 

Snyder,  Ruth  146  Ferguson  Ave. 

Spielman,  Mrs.  Ada 1335  W.  Fifth  St. 

Spitzer,  Mrs.  Dora  E 100  S.  Mathison.St. 

Starry,  Susie  M 1254  W.  First  St. 

Staub,  Dr.  Grant  S 1425  W.  Third  St. 

Staub,  Mrs.  Olive  1425  W.  Third  St. 

Staub,  Inez  1425  W.  Third  St. 

Staub,  Jessie  1425  W.  Third  St. 

Steck,  Mrs.  Ida  155  Baker  St. 

Stoltz,  Forest  R.  R.  No.  4 

Stoltz,  Mrs.  Elnora  R.  R.  No.  4 

Strader,  John  W 134  Grosvenor  Ave. 

Strader,  Mrs.  Mary  E 134  Grosvenor  Ave. 

Swartsel,  Mrs.  M.  *W 605  Negley  Place 

Tawney,  Harry 46  Howell  Ave. 

Ta\\Tiey,  Esther  46  Howell  Ave. 

Taylor,  Mrs.  Minnie  Camiionte 

Taylor,  Onah  Carrmonte 

Taylor,  Edna  Carrmonte 

Thompson,  Dr.  H.  A 1618  W.  First  St. 

Throp,  Spafford  106  Clemmer  St. 

Throp,  Bessie  106  Clemmer  St. 

Tinnerman,  Edward  615  Ne"-ley  Place 

Tinnerman,  Mrs.  Lulu 615  Negley  Place 

Tippy,  Mrs.  Gertrude  254  Herman  Ave. 

Tipton,  John  W 2225  W.  Third  St. 

Tipton,  Mrs.  Ida  2225  W.  Third  St. 

Tipton,  Homer  2225  W.  Third  St. 

Trieschman,  Edw^ard  118  Woodward  Ave. 

Trieschman,  Mrs.  Edward  118  Woodward  Ave. 

Trout,  Freda  105  S.  Mathison  St. 

Upfold,  Mrs.  Jeannette 1032  Home  Ave. 

Upfold,  Dale  D 1032  Home  Ave. 

Utz,  Mrs.  C.  A 1608  W.  Second  St. 

Utz,  Oma  1608  W.  Second  St. 

Utz,  Dorothy  1608  W.  Second  St. 

Utz,  Herschel  1610  W.  Second  St. 

Utz,  Mrs.  Herschel  1610  W.  Second  St. 

35      . 

Vance,  William  T Ill  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Vance,  Mrs.  Mary  T Ill  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Vance,  Stella  M Ill  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Vance,  S.  J 311  Woodward  Ave. 

Vance,  Mrs.  Sarah  311  Woodward  Ave. 

Vance,  Sadie  311  Woodward  Ave. 

Van  Scovk,  Mrs.  Anna  2132  W.  Third  St. 

Van  Scoyk,  Ruth  2132  W.  Third  St. 

Vernier,  Mrs.  Grace  B 547  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Watson,  W.  E 1636  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Watson,  Mrs.  I.  M 1636  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Watson,    Glenna    1636  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Watson,  Lucian  1636  W.  Monument  Ave. 

Watts,  Mrs.  J.  E R.  R.  No.  16 

Weaver,  J.  P 453  Kilmer  St. 

Weaver,  Mrs.  J.  P 453  Kilmer  St. 

Weaver,  Roscoe  0 2438  W.  Third  St. 

Weaver,  Mrs.  Amanda  M 2438  W.  Third  St. 

Weber,  Mathias  1700  W.  First  St. 

Weber,  Mrs.  Marv  E 1700  W.  First  St. 

Weber,  Don  R.  .1 1700  W.  First  St. 

Weber,  William  Lvle  1700  W.  First  St. 

Weber,  Helen  E 1700  W.  First  St. 

Weber,  Prof.  William  A 1651  W.  First  St. 

Weber,  Mrs.  Justina  L 1651  W.  First  St. 

Welsh,  Brice  S 224  Meredith  St. 

Welsh,  Mrs.  Mary  E 224  Meredith  St. 

Welsh,  William  17  Kilmer  St. 

Welsh,  Mrs.  Luella  17  Kilmer  St. 

Wendlin^^,  David  1147  Home  Ave. 

Wheeler,"  Helen  1 125  Clemmer  St. 

White,  Mrs.  Mary  231  N.  Broadway 

Wiffenbaua:h,  Mrs.  Grace  323  Xenia  Ave. 

Wilson,  John  1214  River  St. 

Wilson,  Mrs.  Ethel  A 1214  River  St. 

Winters,  Mrs.  Alice  E 634  S.  Summit  St. 

Wirsching,  Mrs.  Elsie  364  Forest  Ave. 

Wirschincr,  Robert  F 364  Forest  Ave. 

Wise,  Felix  42  E.  Mumma  St. 

Wise,  Mrs.  Felix  42  E.  Mumma  St, 


Wise,  Earl  42  E.  Mumma  St. 

Wolff,  Mrs.  Mary  Elizabeth  241  Conover  St. 

Wood,  Irmel   725  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Wood,  Herbert  W 620  N.  Williams  St. 

Wood,  Mrs.  H.  W 620  N.  Williams  St. 

Woohvav,  Mrs.  Mary  A 339  Fairview  Ave. 

Wrig-ht,'  Frank  839  Manhattan  Ave. 

Wric^ht,  Mrs.  Ella  M 839  Manhattan  Ave. 

Wright,  Hovx-ard  839  Manhattan  Ave. 

Wri3:ht,  Gladys  839  Manhattan  Ave. 

Young,  Harrv  B 34  College  St. 

Young,  Mrs.  Emma  C 34  College  St. 

Young,  David  34  College  St. 

Young,  Burton  31  Orchard  St. 

Young,  Mrs.  Nora 31  Orchard  St. 

Young,  Helen  31  Orchard  St. 

Young,  Stella  31  Orchard  St. 

Zearing,  N.  P 613  Negley  Place 

Zearing,  Mrs.  Lucy  613  Negley  Place 

Zearing,  Ethel  613  Negley  Place 

Zehring,  Samuel  P 1538  W.  Second  St. 

Zehring,  Mrs.  Lydia  J 1538  W.  Second  St. 

Zimmerman,  Mrs.  Lon  Cornell  Drive,  R.  R.  10 


Ashe'nfelter,  Mrs.  E ^19  Joy  St.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Baker,  Gladys  R.  R.  5,  Brookville,  Ohio 

Beam,  Mrs.  Josephine  R.  R.,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Bigler,  Dr.  Regina  Canton,  China 

Bookwalter,  Mrs.  Phoebe  Chicago,  111. 

Bradford,  Mrs.  Marva  Jane 

Fourth  and  Adams,  Manchester,  Ohio 

Brawner,  Mary  Danville,  111. 

Briney,  I.  J. 

Metropolitan  Life  Ins.  Co.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 
Briney,  Mrs.  I.  J. 

Metropolitan  Life  Ins.  Co.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 


Campbell,  Mrs.  Hattie  ....R.  R.  No.  4,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Davis,  Mrs.  Lizzie  R.  R.  No.  14,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Dayton,  Rolland  42  Arcade,  Newark,  Ohio 

Dayton,  Mrs.  Ruth  S.  42  Arcade,  Newark,  Ohio 

Dillman,  Mrs.  Mary  E. 

167  E.  49th  St.,  Portland,  Oregon 

Dougherty,  Rev.  Raymond  P New  Haven,  Conn, 

Dougherty,  Mrs.  Lulu  L New  Haven,  Conn. 

Ellis,  Mrs.  W.  J. 

Otterbein  Home,  Lebanon  (R.  R.  3),  Ohio 
Enoch,  Mrs.  Susanna  ...Box  195,  West  Alex.,  Ohio 
Evans,  Mrs.  Blanche  Chicago,  111. 

Flory,  Vernon   R.  R.  No.  1,  Lebanon,  Ohio 

Freeman,  James  ....2502  Kedzie  Blvd.,  Chicago,  111. 
Freeman,  Arthur,  2601  N.  Whipple  St.,  Chicago,  111. 
Fansher,  Fred  W. 

Fansher,  Fred  W.  3939  Burwood  Ave.,  Norwood,  O. 
Fansher,  Mrs.  Fred  W. 

3939  Burwood  Ave.,  Norwood,  O. 
Foltz,  Mrs.  Irene  S Boston,  Mass. 

Gardner,  Mrs.  Edna  K. 

196  Miller  Ave.,  Columbus,  Ohio 
Gauvey,  Mrs.  Effie  ....Sloan  House,  Sandusky,  Ohio 
Gilbert,  Mrs.  Hannah  R.  R.  No.  2,  Sugar  Grove,  Pa. 

Graff,  Mrs.  Vitalis  Flint,  Mich. 

Griffith,  Paul  Winifred,  Mont. 

Hawthorn,  Mrs.   Bertha   Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Hendershott,  J.  C. 

31  S.  Boardman  St.,  Fond  Du  Lac,  Wis. 
Hendershott,  Mrs.  Belle 

31  S.  Boardman  St.,  Fond  Du  Lac,  Wis. 
Hess,  Mrs.  Bertha 

Kilbourn,  West  Carroll  Parish,  La. 

Hoeflinger,  Mrs.  Glenna  R.  R.  No.  2,  Dayton,  O. 

Hole,  William  Fort  McKinley,  Ohio 

Hole,  Mrs.  Alice   Fort  McKrnlev,  Ohio 

Hook,  Mrs.  Ida  P R.  R.  No.  5,  Dayton,  Ohio 


Johnston,  Waldo  414  Englewood  Ave.,  Chicago 

Johnston,  Florence.. ..717  Main  St.,  Cincinnati,  Ohio 

Kemp,  Mrs.  S.  E. 

3156  N.  New  Jersey  St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 
Kemp,  John 

3156  N.  New  Jersey  St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 
Kissinger,  Mrs.  Carrie 

1116  Charter's  Ave.,  McKee's  Rock,  Pa. 

Law,  Chester  Napoleon,  Ohio 

Lowe,  Clifford  C R.  R.  10,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Lowe,  Mrs.  Dora  R.  R.  10,  Davton,  Ohio 

Lowe,  Todd  R.  R.  10,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Masters,  Mrs.  Rebecca 

217  Porter  Ave.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
Menoff,  Mrs.  Hattie  544  Union  St.,  Union  City,  Ind. 

Mohler,  John  R.  R.  No.  6,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Mohler,  Mrs.  Mahala R.  R.  No.  6,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Moon,  Henrietta  E. 

51  S.  Eleventh  St.,  Terre  Haute,  Ind. 
Moon,  Ruth  N.  51  S.  Eleventh  St., Terre  Haute,  Ind. 

Nicholas,  Homer  Chicago,  111. 

Nicholas,  John  B Nat'l  Military  Home 

Nicholas,  Elizabeth  Nat'l  Military  Home 

Redmond,  Mrs.  Clara  C Winchester,  Ind. 

Schenck,  Mrs.  Sara 

512  N.  Main  St.,  Bellefontaine,  Ohio 

Shiml,  Mrs.  Ida R.  R.,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Skiles,  Oliver  Wengerlawn,  Ohio 

Skiles,  Mrs.  Oliver  Wengerlawn,  Ohio 

Smith,   Edwin   Cleveland,  Ohio 

Smith,  Mrs.  L.  L Cleveland,  Ohio 

Smith,  Mrs.  Harry  Oklahoma 

Smith,  Margaret 

1116  Charter's  Ave.,  McKee's  Rock,  Pa. 
Stokesbury,  Mrs.  Ruth  ....Cincinnati  Ave.,  Xenia,  0. 


Todd,  Joe  509  E.  Jackson  St.,  Muncie,  Ind. 

Todd,  Mrs.  Marie.... 509  E.  Jackson  St.,  Muncie,  Ind. 

Vanzant,  Oscar  329  Cass  Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Vanzant,  Mrs.  Jessie  M. 

329  Cass  Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Warner,  Mrs.  Emma  Yellow  Springs,  Ohio 

Wag-ner,  Chester  Vandalia,  Ohio 

Wise,  Elvin  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Witmer,  Clayton 

148  S.  Divinity  Hall,  U.  of  C,  Chicago,  111. 

Wolff,  George  ! Detroit,  Mich. 

Wolff,  Mrs.  Edith Detroit,  Mich. 

Wolff,  Velma Detroit,  Mich. 

Wolff,  Delia  Detroit,  Mich. 

Wombold,  Abraham   R.  R.  No.  6,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Wombold,  Mrs.  Mary  R.  R.  No.  6,  Dayton,  Ohio 

Resident  Members  658 

Non-Resident    80 

Total 73^ 

Male  Members 287 

Female 451 


Directory ...  1915,  1921. 

Princeton  Theological  Seminary-Speer  Library 

1   1012  00082  5309 


i  \  MAR  : 

Euclid  Avenue 

United  Brethren  Church 

Dayton,  Ohio 

Phone,  Main  660 

FRED  L.  DENNIS,  Pastor 
1605  West  Second  Street  Phone,  Main  5072 

ELLA  F.  HAMILTON,  Deaconess 
1558  West  Second  Street  Phone  Main  7160 


.4.  2iZ(J,5 




Rev.    Fred    L.    Dennis 1<)<>5  W.    Second    St. 

liell    IMione,    Main   .">072 


Miss    K-lla    F.    Hamilton I.j.jS    W.    Second    St. 

I5ell    I'hone.    Main   TKM) 

Secretary'    of    Official    Board 

Chalce   T..    Small 105   S.    PZuclid   Ave. 

Church   Treasurer 

E.  A.    Tinnerman 617    Xegley    Place 

Finance    Commission 

11.    J.    Osbun,    Chairman  Donald    H.    Davis 

F.  C.    Adams  R.     D.     Funkhouser 
J.    T.     Bell                                                                           John    K.    Himes 

C.     R.     Brosier  E.   A.    Tinnerman 

Church    Trustees 

Cbrt--    R.    l^.rosier,  Chairman                                     Prof.    A.    W.    Drury 

John  T.  Bell  C.    A.     Funkhouser 

W  .    H.   Cassel  Harry    T.    Osbun 

John    S.    Davis  .                                                Frank     R.     Wright 

Church    School    Superintendents 

Lyman     G.     Weaver General     Superintendent 

David   A.   Dennis Assistant    Su])erinten(lent 

Ella    F.    Hamilton Supt.    Elementary    Division 

Frank    J.    Gilbert Supt.    Junior    Department 

Mrs.  V.  R.  Sibila Sui>t.   Primary  Department 

Miss  Anna   Shirley Supt.    Beginners'    Department 

Mrs.    Besse    Lucas Supt.    C radle    Roll 

Women's   Missionary    Society 

^Irs.    Justina    L.     Showers President 

Mrs.    C.    S.    Billman Treasurer 

Otterbein   Guild 

Miss     Ruth     Vanscoyk President 

Miss     Opal     Witters Treasurer 

Christian     Endeavor 

>S.  T.  Dundore President  Senior  Society 

IL    Albert    Smith Treasurer 

Earl    Hoover Pres.    Intermediate    Society 

Mrs.    Ira    Stiner Supt.    Junior    Society 

\   11^ 


Adams,  Fred    C.    112i  Faulkner  Ave. 

Adams,  Mrs.  Fred  C.   723  Faulkner  Ave. 

Adams,  Wenonah 723  Faulkner  Ave. 

Adams,  Lester 723  Faulkner  Ave. 

Adams.  Margaret   723  Faulkner  Ave. 

Amlin,  Charles    733  Idaho  Ave. 

^Amlin,  Mrs.  Jeanette 733  Idaho  Ave. 

Amlin,  Orville IZZ  Idaho  Ave. 

Amlin.  Dorothy    G 733  Idaho  Ave. 

Amlin,  Irene    M.    12i2i  Idaho  Ave. 

Andrew^s,    Mrs.    Charlotte 719   W.    Fifth    St. 

Apple,  Mrs.  Ida  S. 40"  College  St. 

Archer,  Mrs.  Mary  M. 1560  W.  Second  St. 

Archer,  Harriet    M.    1560  W.  Second  St. 

Armpriester,  Ida 410  N.  Western  Ave. 

Aufuldish,  John    B.    1308  Riverview  Ave. 

Aufuldish,  Mrs.  Clara 1308  Riverview  Ave. 

Aufuldish.    Mrs.    Luella    M.   36   Gordon   Ave. 

Aufuldish,    Robert    36   Gordon    Ave. 

Aufuldish,  Howard  E. 1628  Home  Ave. 

Aufuldish,  Mrs.   Ethel  M. 1628  Home  Ave. 

Bailey,  Orlie  C. 42  Grosvenor  Ave. 

Bailey,  Joseph   36   Hallwood   Ave. 

Bailey,  Margaret 36  Hallwood  Ave. 

Bandy,    Bruce   20   S.   Antioch   St. 

Bandy,  Mrs.  Bruce   20  S.  Antioch  St. 

Banta,  Mrs.  Mary  A. 206  N.  Summit  St. 

Bartels,  Mrs.  Emma 1518  W.  Second  St. 

Beam,  Mrs.  Josephine R.  R.  2. 

Beeghly,  Mrs.  Zella  Y 1141  Vernon  Drive 

Bell,  John    T.    636  Ellerton  Ave. 

Bell,  .Mrs.   Madie   636  Ellerton  Ave. 

Bell,  Alice    636  Ellerton  Ave. 


.    Bell.  William    636  Ellcrton  Ave. 

Bennet,   Orville    C.    1315    Edison    St. 

Binkley.  Charles   A. 1335   W.   Fifth   St. 

Binkley,  Mrs.   Pearl 1335  W.   Fifth   St. 

Binkley,   Lyle 1335  W.   Fifth   St. 

Binkley,  Lloyd 1335  W.   Fifth  St. 

Binkley,  Raymond 1335  W.  Fifth  St. 

Bishop,  William   M.   19   Burton   Ave. 

Bitzer,    Rnth    122    Kammer   Ave. 

Black.  Ruth  1809  W.  Fifth  St.. 

B-bfc-feer-F^ora    316    Pontiac    St. 

Blakslee,  Gladys 316  Pontiac  St. 

Blakslee,   Henry   316   Pontiac   St. 

B+ough,    Earl    603    S.    Euclid   Ave. 

Blue.  Mrs.  Ruth  C 

Boone,  Blanche  C. 70  Norman  Ave. 

Bope,  Charles    882  N.  Main  St. 

Bope,  Mrs.    Charles    882  N.   Main  St. 

Bope,  Geraldine    882  N.  Main  St. 

Boswell.  Mrs.   Mary  A.   428  Linwood  Ave. 

Bovversox.    Mrs.    Ida   M.    916   Germantown    St. 

'  Bowman,    Mrs.    Katie    26    Bellevue  Ave. 

Boyd,  Mrs.  Anna 369  N.   Mathison  St. 

'  Boyd,    Edith 369  N.   Mathison  St. 

Bradford,  Mrs.  George 265  Chestnut  St. 

.'  Bradley,  Mrs.   Media 25  S.  Antioch  St 

Brehm,  Mrs.  Alice 1634  W.  First  St. 

Brightwell,  Mrs.  Mary  E. 315  N.  Broadway. 

Brightwell,  Mrs.  Ada 40  S.  Mathison  St. 

Brindle,  J.   W.    278  Air  St. 

Brindle,  Mrs.  J.  W. 287  Air  St. 

Brokaw,   Mrs.   Olive 1548  W.   Fifth  St. 

.  Brokaw,  Helen 1548  W.  Fifth  St. 

'  Brosier,  Alfred  J. 446   Oxford  Ave. 

;  Brosier,  Mrs.  Mabel 446  Oxford  Ave. 


Brosier,  Hazel  A. 1829  Riverside  Drive. 

Brosier,  Clayte   R. 305  Lexington  Ave. 

Brosier,   Paul   M. 305   Lexington   Ave. 

Brovver,   Mrs.   Lizzie   76   Victor   Ave. 

Brown.  Mrs.  Cora 2120  W.  Third   St. 

Brown,  Harold 2120  W.  Third  St. 

Brnner.  George    L.    1557  W.  Second  St. 

Bruner,   Mrs.  Ida 1557  \V.  Second  St. 

Bruner,  Francis    1557  W.  Second  St. 

Bryant,  Dr.  W.   B. 2004  W.  Third  St. 

Bryant,  Mrs.    Emma   2004  \V.  Third  St. 

Bryant,  Ruth   2C04  W.  Third  St. 

v&«*Kiy,    Eugene   Krug   St. 

\  Bundy,   Robert 20  Leroy  St. 

.  Bundy,  Ross 20  Leroy  St. 

Bundy,   Mary 20  Leroy   St. 

Burtner,  Robert 1645   Home  Ave. 

Burtner,  Mrs.  Robt. 1645  Home  Ave. 

Bushong,  Mrs.  Florence  M. 1406  Home  Ave. 

Campbell,  Mrs.  Hattie  B. R.   R.   14. 

Campbell.    Mrs.    Cora 137  Kilmer  St. 

Campbell,    Glea    Lovon 137  Kilmer  St. 

.  Campbell.  Howard    137  Kilmer  St. 

Canton,  Airs.  Sarah 3306  E.  Third  St. 

V  Canton,  Hazel 3306  E.  Third  St. 

Canton,  George 72  Mound  St. 

Carter,  Mrs.  Evaline 2530  W.  Third  St. 

Cassel,  William   H.   57  Oxford  Ave. 

Cassel,  Mrs.   Callie   D.   57  Oxford  Ave. 

1  Cassel,  Dr.   Homer  D.   57  Oxford  Ave. 

5  Cassel,  Mabel    57  Oxford  Ave. 

Chambers,  William   2122  Howell  Ave. 

Chambers,  Anna    2122  Howell  Ave. 

Chambers,   Helen 2114  W.   Third  St. 

Chambers,  Margaret 2114  W.  Third  St. 


•-  Chase.  Rev.  F.  W. 1618  W.  Second  St. 

Chase,  Mrs.  F.  W 1618  W.  Second  St. 

.    Christie,  Mrs.  Cordelia  R. 319  N.  Western  Ave. 

Christie,  Elsie    319  N.  Western  Ave. 

Clark,  William  B. 345   S.    Broadway. 

Clark,  Mrs,  Martha 345  S.  Broadway. 

Clark,  Wesley   O. 652  Superior  Ave. 

Clemmer,  Charles  W. 1017  Wawona  Road. 

Clemmer,  Mrs.  Charles  W. 1017  Wawona  Road. 

Clemmer,   Thelma   1017  Wawona   Road. 

Clemmer,  Ruth 1017  Wawona  Road. 

Clippinger,  Rev.   A.    R.    1602  Grand  Ave. 

Clippinger,  Mrs.    Ellen   M.   1602  Grand  Ave. 

Clippinger,  Conrad  K.   1602  Grand  Ave. 

Clippinger,  John   A.   1602  Grand  Ave. 

Clippinger,  Malcolm  M. 1602  Grand  Ave. 

Clippinger,  Florence  C. ^ 1411  U.  B.  Building. 

Clutterbuck,  R.  T 1127^  W.  Third  St. 

Clutterbuck,  Mrs  Besse 1127^4  W.  Third  St. 

Coleman,  Mrs.   Leona 447  W.   Fifth  St. 

Coleman,  Lottie  Mae 31  College  St. 

Conover,  Mrs.  Mary 320  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

Cook,  Charles    H.    1529  W.  First  St. 

Cook,  Mrs.    Mary    E.    1529  W.  First  St. 

Corlette,  Robert    V.    449  W.  Fifth  St. 

Corlette.  Mrs.  Mary 449  W.  Fifth  S€ 

Cothet,  Mrs.  Hazel  B. 916  Germantown  St. 

Cotterman,  John    125  S.  Mathison  St. 

Cotterman,  Mrs.    Ella    125  S.   Mathison  St. 

Couk,  J.  W. 731  Ferguson  Ave. 

'^Couk,     C.    E.    1415  Riverview  Ave. 

Couk,  Mrs.  Carrie   M. 1415   Riverview  Ave. 

Crabill,   George   1531    W.   Third   St. 

Crowel,  Mrs.  Verna 213  N.  Western  Ave. 

Crowel,  Edwin 213  N.  Western  Ave. 


Crowd,   Janice    213    N.    Western   Ave. 

Curk,  Willis   W. 102   Kammer  Ave. 

Curk,  Mrs.  Mellie  B. 102  Kammer  Ave. 

Curk,  Ralph IC'2  Kammer  Ave. 

Curl,  Thomas   B. 1720  W.   First  St. 

Curl,  Mrs.  Mary  J. 1720  W.  First  St. 

Dann,   Mrs.   Rebecca   547   Edison   St. 

Daugherty,  Lucile   326   Mercer   Ave. 

Daugherty,  Harry 113  S.   Euclid  Ave. 

Daugherty,  Mrs.  Martha 113  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Daugherty,  Olevia 113  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Davis,  Albert 348  Mercer  Ave. 

Davis,  John    S.   39  Oxford  Ave. 

Davis,  Mrs.  Vinnie  H. 39  Oxford  Ave. 

Davis,  Donald   H.    39  Oxford  Ave. 

Davis,  Dorothy    Elizabeth    39  Oxford  Ave. 

Davis,  Mrs.  Lizzie R.  R.  14. 

Davis,  James 50  Bond  St. 

Davis,  Mrs.  Althea 50  Bond  St. 

Davis,  Norma 50  Bond  St. 

Dedisman,  Harry  H. 2421  W.  Third  St. 

Dedisman,  Mrs.  Cora 2421  W.  Third  St. 

Delp.  Mrs.   Sara - 19  Farley   St. 

Delp,  Charles  E. R.  R.   16. 

Denisep-Mxs^-Jane 106  Clemmer  St. 

Dennis,  Rev.    Fred   L.    1605  W.  Second  St. 

Dennis,  Mrs.    Anna    M.    1605  W.  Second  St. 

Dennis.  Othella   Gertrude 1605  W.  Second  St. 

Dennis,  Ruby    Alice    1605  W.  Second  St. 

Dennis,  Fred  L.,  Jr. 1605  W.  Second  Si. 

Dennis,  David  A. 1630  Dakota  St. 

Dennis,  Mrs.  Bessie 1630  Dakota  St. 

Dennis.  Gerald  H. 1630  Dakota  Sf. 

Dennis.  Mertella    1630  Dakota  St. 


De  Priest,  Mrs.  Amy 329  S.  Broadway. 

De  Priest,  John 329  S.   Broadway. 

De  Wolf,  Frank  R.  2X1  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

De  Wolf,  Mrs.   Lillian   M. 227  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

De  Wolf,  Phyllis    227  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

Doup,   Houston  936  Washington   St. 

Driiry,  Prof.  A.  W. 203  N.  Summit  St. 

Drury,  Mrs.   Sophia    203  N.  Summit  St. 

Drury,   Agnes     203  X.   Summit  St. 

Drury,  Ruth    203  N.  Summit  St. 

Dubbs,  Isaac 1546  Germantown  St. 

Dubbs,  Mrs.   Emma 1546  Germantown  St. 

Dunlap,  Mrs.  Ada 216  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Dunlevy,  Gerald 10'6  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Dunlevy,  Phyllis    106  S.  EucHd  Ave. 

Dunn,  Airs.  Alice 14  S.  Williams  St. 

Dye,  Earl  S. 40  College  St. 

Dye,  Robert  S.  40  College  St. 

Earhart,  Mrs.  E. 731   N.  Broadway. 

Early,  Moses 623  S.  Summit  St. 

Early,  Mrs.  Elizabeth 623  S.  Summit  St. 

Eggleston,  Albert  M. 1524  W.  First  St. 

Eggleston,  Mrs.  Mildred 1524  W.  First  St. 

Emrick,  George  B. 42  E.  Elmwood  Ave. 

Estabrook,  E.    A.    645  Negley  Place. 

Estabrook,  Mrs.    Gertrude   — _ 645  Negley  Place. 

Estabrook,  Catherine 645   Xegley  Place. 

Evans,  Mrs.  Bertha  AI. 305  N.  Antioch  St. 

Evans,  Mrs.  Blanche 1558  W.  Second  St. 

Ewing,  Airs.  George  W. 2530  W.  Third  St. 

Ewing,  Ernest 2530  W.  Third  St. 

Ewry,  Benjamin  R. 19  Hawthorne  St. 

Ewry,   Mrs.   Belle  A. 19  Hawthorne   St. 

Ewry,  Lucile     19  Hawthorne  St. 

Ewry,   Helen 19  Hawthorne  St. 


[/  Exlinc.  Albert     1706  Home  Ave. 

:   Exline,  Mrs.  Grace 17f)6  Home  Ave. 

Fkckler,  William  F. 7^21  S.  Summit  St. 

Fackler,  Mrs.  Annie  M. 111  S.  Summit  St. 

Fansher,   William   751    Lexington    Ave. 

Fansher,  Mrs.   Izora _ 751    Lexington  Ave. 

Fansher,  Robert" 751   Lexington  Ave. 

Faust,  Prof.    S.    D.    1614  W.  First  St. 

Faust,  Mrs.   Lizzie   M.   1614  W.   First  St. 

Flook,  Elmer 1341   W.  Third  St. 

Flook,   Mrs.   Jeannette    2103    Howell   Ave. 

Flory,  Mrs.  Mollie  E. 100  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Forwood,  Rev.  G.   C.  1628  W.  First  St. 

Forwood,  Mrs.    Blanche    1628  W.  First  St. 

Forwood,  Mildred    Grace    1628  W.  First  St. 

Forwood,  Hazel   Victoria   1628  W.  First  St. 

Forwood,  Gladys    Maxine ^^__1628  W.  First  St. 

Fout,  Rev.  J.   E.   1521   W.  First  St. 

Font,  Mrs.  J.   E.  1521   W.   First  St. 

Fouts,  George    , 111   X.  Williams  St. 

Fouts,  Mrs.   Lou   111   N.  Williams  St. 

Fouts,  Besse   111    N.  W^illiams  St. 

Fox,  Al  S. 845  x\.  Broadway. 

Fox,  Mrs.  Susan ^ 845  N.  Broadway. 

Fox,  Virginia  K. 845  N.  Broadway. 

Fox,  Mrs.  Maria 111   X.  Summit  ^. 

Frederick,  Dollie 134  McDonough  St. 

Freeman,  Rose   1540  W.  First  St. 

Freeze,  Roscoe Cor.  Dakota  and  Shoop. 

Freeze,  Mrs.  Ruth Cor.  Dakota  and  Shoop. 

Freidline,  Jefferson 414  N.  Mathison  St. 

Fryar,  Henry  V. 2809  W.  Third  St. 

Fryar,  Mrs.  Clara  V. 28C9  W.  Third  St. 

Fryar,  Allie 2809  W.  Third  St. 

Funkhouser,  Rev.   G.   A.   27  N.  Summit  St. 

Funkhouser,  Mrs.  Susan  ^l. 27  N.  Summit  St. 

Funkhouser,  Luther    K.    27  N.  Summit  St. 

Funkhouser,  Fred    A.    1130'  W.  Harvard  Blvd. 

Funkhouser,  Mrs.   Ethel   M.   ___1130  W.  Harvard  Blvd. 

Funkhouser,  James    1130  W.  Harvard  Blvd. 

Funkhouser,   Fred.    Jr.    1130  W.   Harvard  Blvd. 

Funkhouser,  Charles  A. 1407  Grand  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  Mrs.  Dehl 1407  Grand  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  Katherine    1407  Grand  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  Robert    D.    1734  Grand  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  Mrs.  Jessie  L. 1734  Grand  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  Robert,  Jr.   1734  Grand  Ave, 

Funkhouser,  Richard    1734  Grand  Ave. 

Funkhouser,   George  A.,  Jr. 1325   Salem  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  A.  A. S.  Findlay  St. 

Funkhouser,   Hugh  K. 609  Oxford  Ave. 

Funkhouser,  Mrs.  Irma  D. 609  Oxford  Ave. 

Funkhouser,    Mrs.    William 440    Lowe    St. 

Gabel,   Mrs.   Belle  Barr 649  Negley  Place. 

Gabel,  Dr.  Paul  E. 4401  Dakota  St. 

Gabel,  Mrs.   Kathryn  G. 440  Dakota  St. 

Gaines,  Violet 28  Hallwood  Ave. 

Ganster,   Earl 227  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

Ganster,  Mrs.  Martha 227  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

Gilbert,  Webb   A.    442  Dakota  St. 

Gilbert,  Mrs.   Maria    442  Dakota  St. 

Gilbert,  Mary    E.    442  Dakota  St. 

Gilbert,  Frank  J.   418  Oxford  Ave. 

Gilbert,  Janet   418   Oxford  Ave. 

Gilbert,  E.  L. ■- R.  R.  14. 

Gilbert,  Mrs.   Etta R.   R.   14. 

Gilbert,    Mrs.    Ruth    102    Green    St. 

Gordon,  Ernest 833  Frederick  St. 

Gordon,   Mrs.   Opal   833   Frederick   St. 


^  Gordon,  Helen 833  Frederick  St. 

!  Gordon,   Ruby 833   Frederick   St. 

Graham,  J.  W. 1436  W.  Third  St. 

Graham,  xMrs.    J.    W.    1436  W.  Third  St. 

;  Graham,  Gladys 1436  W.  Third  St. 

:   Gregory.  Thelma 75  Gordon  Ave. 

;  Griest,  Mrs.  Clara 50  Gordon  Ave. 

I  Griffith,  John    M.    1621  W.  Second  St. 

Griffith,  Mrs.    Viola    1621  W.  Second  St. 

Griffith,  Hazel  M. 1621   W.  Second  St. 

Griffith,   Paul    1621   W.  Second  St. 

Haas,  Mrs.  Frank 1559  W.  Fifth  St. 

Hall,  Melle     1426  Germantown   St. 

Hall,  Carrie  :\lae 1426  Germantown  St. 

Hamilton,  Ella  F 1558  W.  Second  St. 

Hamilton,  Walter   E.    1655  W.  First  St. 

Hamilton,  Mrs.  Dorothy  B. 1655  W.  First  St. 

Hamilton,  Anna   Elizabeth 1655  W.  First  St. 

Hamilton,  George    W.    1655  W.  First  St. 

Hamilton,  Irvin    E.    1655  W.  First  St. 

Harper,  Mrs.  Mary  C. 2314  Parkland  Ave. 

Harshman,  Jacob    ___105   Haller  St. 

Harshman,  Mrs.    Marie    105  Haller  St. 

Harshman,  Lloyd 105  Haller  St. 

Hartzell,  I.   C.   137  X.  Orchard  St. 

Hartzell,  Mrs.   Pearl    137  N.   Orchard  St. 

Hathorn,   Mrs.   Bertha   1308   Riverview   Ave. 

Heck,  Myrtle 459  Fourth  St.  Arcade. 

Heck,  James  K. 2302  W.  Second  St. 

Heck,  Mrs.  Martha  M. 2302  W.  Second  St. 

.  Heck,  Parker 2302  W.  Second  St. 

Heetcr,  Mrs.  Anna  K. 20  N.  Williams  St. 

Heimer,   Mrs.  Josephine   307   X.   Mathison    St. 

Henderson,  Martha  A. 1855  W.  Fifth  St. 

llensel,  William 1415  Riverview  Ave. 


Pi«tTS^i7~M-rs.  William 1415   Riverview  Ave. 

Hess,   Mrs.    Bertha   1509   Edison   St. 

Hess,   Mrs,   Ella   1515    Ingomar   Ave. 

Hess,  Mildred 21  Fluhart  Ave. 

High,  Robert 118  Baker  St. 

Hildebrant,   Fay 1413  W.   Third   St. 

Hildebrant,    Catherine    1413   W.    Third    St. 

Hill,  Geraldine 365  Kenwood  Ave. 

Himes,  J.  K. 327  N.  Western  Ave. 

V  Himes,  :\Irs.  J.  K. 327  N.  Western  Ave. 

^  Himes,  Ruby 327  N.  Western  Ave. 

Hodge,   Sarah    K.    131    Ardmore    St. 

Hoeflinger,  Mrs.   Glenna   R,    R.  2. 

^'Hoerner,  Jessie   1614  W.   First   St. 

Hoffman,    Mrs.    Elizabeth    612   N.    Broadway. 

Hoffman,    Walter    612    N.    Broadway 

Hoffman,    Mrs.    J.    I.    R.    R.    16. 

Hole,  James National  &  Puterbaugh  Aves. 

Hole,  William R.  R.  6. 

Hole,  Mrs.  William R.  R.  6. 

'-    Holman,  Mrs.   Edward  F. R.  R.   11. 

-Holtzinger,   Lewis    F.    731    N.    Broadway. 

Hook,  Dennis 19  Marion  St. 

■    Hook,   Mrs.   Dennis   19  Marion   St. 

;    Hook,  Ralph 19  Marion  St. 

Hook,  Mrs.  Ida  P. ____451  N.  Main  St. 

-  Hook,  Frank 15  W.  Hudson  Ave. 

^Hoover,  John   J.    22  College  St. 

^^Hoorer.  Mrs.  John  J. 22  College  St. 

;  Hoover,  Earl    22  College  St. 

Hoover,  Rodney   22  College  St. 

Horn,  Mrs.  Marie 1211  Riverview  Ave. 

Horn,  Jack 1211    Riverview  Ave. 

•  Horn,   Mrs.   Elizabeth 22  S.  Summit  St. 

'/Horn,  Harold 22  S.  Summit  St. 


>^Horn,  Byford  L. 20  S.  Summit  St. 

^Horn,  Mrs.   Lulu  J.   20  S.  Summit  St. 

U  Horn,   Ruth    Elizabeth   20   S.   Summit   St. 

^Hottes,  George  W. 511  N.  Williams  St. 

;  Hottes,  Mrs.  Mary 511  N.  Williams  St. 

Hottes,  Audrey .511    N.   Williams  St. 

Houser,  William    R.  R.  8 

Houser,  Mrs.   William   R.  R.  8 

Houser,  Edna    R.  R.  8 

V^Huddle,    Rev.    Samuel   911    Lexington   Ave. 

Hughes,    Donald    26    College    St. 

Hutchins,    Mrs.    May 1025   Washington   St. 

Jackson,   Mrs.   Katie   125    S.    Mathison   St. 

V  Jeffryes,   Mrs.    Carrie    M.    32   Daniel    St. 

i/Jewett,   Pearl   60  Philadelphia   Road. 

V  Jewett,   Delia   60   Philadelphia    Road. 

John,  Laura 1221   W.  Fifth  St. 

'■^Johnson,    Mrs.    Michael    345    S.    Broadway. 

^.'Johnson.  Edna 226  N.  Orchard  St. 

;  Johnston,   Roy   810   Lexington   Ave. 

Johnston,  Mrs.  Roy 810"  Lexington  Ave. 

Johnston,    Helen    810   Lexington    Ave. 

•Jones.  Mild-F^ 178  Haller  St. 

Jones,    Richard    103    Livingston   Ave. 

Jones,   Mrs.   Mabel   103   Livingston  Ave. 

Jordan.    Mrs.   Jennie    1552   W.    First   St. 

Julick,  :^lrs.  Lucy 1850  Howell  Ave. 

•Keefer,   Mrs.   Mazic   206   N.   Summit  St. 

Keller,  Edward  A. 17  Marion  St. 

Keller,  Mrs.  Mary 17  Marion  St. 

Keller,  Roger  L 1415  Home  Ave. 

Keller,   Mrs.   Regina 1415   Home  Ave. 

Kelley,  Robert 1556  W.  Fifth  St. 

Kelley,   Ramona   ___! 1556  W.   Fifth   St. 

Kemp,  Mrs.  S.  E. 22  Oxford  Ave. 


Kemp,  John 22  Oxford  Ave. 

Kemp,  Fred    R.   R.  4. 

Kemp,  Mrs.  Edna R.  R.  4. 

^    Kemp,  George   R.   R.  4. 

Kemp,  Homer   R.   R.  4. 

Kemp,  Russell R.  R.  4. 

Kemp,  Harry R.   R.  4. 

•^Kepler,  George  O. 1606  W.  Second  St. 

Kepler,  Mrs.  Mary  C. 1606  W.  Second  St. 

^  Kepler,   Mildred  E. 1606  W.   Second  St. 

•  Kern,  Ralph  R. 21   N.  Williams  St. 

Kern,  Henry 2409  W.  Third  St. 

Kern,   Virginia  2409  W.   Third   St. 

Kiger,  A.   J.   1423  W.  Third  St. 

Kiger,  Mrs.  A.  J. 1423  W.  Third  St. 

Kiger,  Don 1423  W.  Third  St. 

Kiger,  .Mrs.  Sarah  B.  1423  W.  Third  St. 

Kiger,   Everett  2530  W.   Third   St. 

King,^MTs^Daisy   440   Groveland  Ave. 

King,   Edith 440  Groveland  Ave. 

Kleppinger,  Mrs.  Lois 2026  W.  Third  St. 

V/  Knox,   Mrs.   Phoebe  141    Gold  St. 

Kuehn,  Thomas   ._ 123   S.   Euclid  Ave. 

WKumler,  Effie   C. 1567  W.   Second  St. 

K«mler,4uaii   R.    1641    W.   First   St. 

Kumler,   Harry    1641    W.    First    St. 

Kumler,  Mrs.  Madge 414  Third  Street  Arcade. 

^'Landis,  Prof.  J.   P.   1566  W.  Second  St. 

Landis,  Mrs.  Addie 1566  W.  Second  St. 

Landis,   Robert   K.    1125    Vernon    Drive. 

Landis,    Mrs.    Francena   115    Yale   \vt. 

Leatherman,   Mrs.   Rachael 21    College  St. 

^/  Lee,  Anthony    939  Edison  St. 

I,.  Lee.  Mrs.   Margaret   939  Edison  St. 

^Lee,  Austin   D.   —939  Edison  St. 

f-  •  14 

VLee,   David   939   Edison   St. 

/Lee,  Mildred 939  Edison  St. 

Lent,  Mrs.  David   II. 131  Ardmore  St. 

.  Leonard,  Harry  J.   121   N.  Orchard  St. 

,  Leonard.  Mrs.  Harry  J. 121   N.  Orchard  St. 

Leslie.   Mrs.   Julia 209   N.   Williams   St. 

k  Libecap.  Mrs.  Mary 1634  W.  Second  St. 

l/'Lindenmiith,  Edward  M. 34  X.  Woodward  Ave. 

/  Lindenmuth,  Mrs.  Dora 34  N.  Woodward  Ave. 

Lindenmuth,    Robert    R.    R.   4. 

Lindenmuth,   Mrs.    Margaret   R.    R.  4. 

L-rttt^.-TT^E.   44   Victor  Ave. 

Littk^frg-.  T^  E. 44  Victor  Ave. 

Long,  Mrs.   Edith 1608  W.  Second  St. 

Long  Katherine 1608  W.  Second  St. 

Long.   Robert  O. 1608  W.   Second  St. 

Longenecker,  Dr.   O.    B.   1330  Grand  Ave. 

Longenecker,   Mrs.    Clara    1330  Grand  Ave. 

Longenecker,  A.    Irene    1330  Grand  Ave. 

Lorenz.  Barbara 1608  W.  First  St. 

Lowe,    Clifford   C.    R.    R.    10. 

Lowe.  Airs.   Dora R.   R.    10. 

Lowe,  Todd R.  R.  10. 

Lucas,  Mrs.  Sophia 1416  Home  Ave. 

Lucas,   Dorothy   1416    Home   Ave. 

Lucas,  H.  A. 131  Leroy  St. 

^,  Lucas,   Mrs.  Besse  M. 131   Leroy   St. 

uLumby,  Mrs.    Margaretta    1141   W.  First  St. 

Lumby,   Margaretta    1141   W.  First  St. 

Lumby.  Walter  J.   1141   W.   First  St. 

Lusk.   Wilbur   636   Ellerton   Ave. 

MacCanon,  Rev.  G.  E. 1618  W.  Second  St. 

MacCanon,  Mrs.    Edna    1618  W.  Second  St. 

Madden,   Esther   509    Hickory   St. 

Maltby,  Earl 1839  Howell  Ave. 


Maltby,    Mrs.    Sonora 1839  Howell  Ave. 

Markland,   W.   M.    631    N.   Williams   St. 

Markland.  Mrs.  W.  M. 631   N.  Williams  St. 

Marsh,  Stanle}-   P.   744  Ferguson  Ave. 

Marsh.  Mrs.  Irene 744  Ferguson  Ave. 

Martin,    Gertrude   R.    R.  4. 

Masters,  Mrs.  Anna 1013  W.  Fourth  St. 

Masters,  Mrs.  Rebecca 1013  W.  Fourth  St. 

Mathias,  Jacob  C.  — 441  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Mathias,  Mrs.  Mary  C. 441  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

May,  Mrs.   Elnora 2237  W.   Third  St. 

McBride,  Frank    1044  S.   Broadway. 

McBride,  i\Irs.    Carrie    1044  S.   Broadway. 

McBride,  Melvin    _. 1042  S.  Broadway. 

McBride,  Mrs.  Mary 1042  S.  Broadway. 

McChesney,  O.   C.   1609  W.  Second  St. 

^  McChesney,  Mrs.    O.   C.   1609  W.  Second  St. 

McChesney,  Carlton   16C9  W.  Second  St. 

p.  McChesney,  Nellie    1609  W.  Second  St. 

^  McChesney.  Emma 1609  W.  Second  St. 

McCleary,  Mrs.  Lucy  C. 319  X.  Western  Ave. 

McCleary,  Kenneth Cor.   Euclid  &  Oxford  Aves. 

McCleary,  Margery Cor.   Euclid  &  Oxford  Aves. 

McClintock,   Mildred  M.   419  S.  Jefferson  St. 

IVfHOurer^rs.-Susan  J.  1401   W.  Fifth  St. 

\xMcConaughy,  Jesse 1444  W.  Third  St. 

j^McConaughy,  Mrs.  Mabel 1444  W.  Third  St. 

.^-McConaughy,  Rhea 1444  W.  Third  St. 

/-McConaughy,  Gwynne    1444  W.  Third  St. 

McConnon,  Mrs.  Fausta 1829  Riverside  Drive. 

McDermott,  Mrs.  Daisy 214  S.  Williams  St. 

McFarland,  Mrs.  Josephine 107  Fountain  Ave. 

McGuire,  Horace 513  N.  Williams  St. 

McHenry,   Mrs.    R.    E.    442   Dakota   St. 


McKee,  Mrs.  Lydia 9<)1  W.  Thrd  St. 

McNelly,   Louis   C.   449  N.   Kilmer  St. 

\^McNelly.   Mrs.    Louis   C.    449   X.    Kilmer   St. 

-^MJddlestetter,    Mrs.    Catherine    R.    R.    5. 

\^Middlestetter,    Milo   521    N.   Williams   St. 

^Middlestetter,  Mrs.  Milo  521    N.  Williams  St. 

vMidlam,  Wilbur S.  E.  Cor.  Third  &  Williams  Sts. 

^Midlam,  Doris S.   E.   Cor.   Third   &  Williams   Sts. 

Midlain,  Robert 135   X.   Kilmer  St. 

Miller.   Mrs.   Emma   1516  W.    Fifth   St. 

Miller.   George   W.    2108   W.   Third   St. 

Miller.   Mrs.  Jennie   2108  W.  Third   St. 

Miller.   P.  A.   211   Riesinger  Ave. 

Miller,  Mrs.  P.  A. 211   Riesinger  Ave. 

^Miller,   Mildred    211    Riesinger   Ave. 

Miller,  Mrs.  Daisy  L. 228  Kenwood  Ave. 

vMiller,  Norma 1562  W.  First  St. 

Miller,  Charlotte 2010  Home  Ave. 

Millikin,  J.  M. 919  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Millikin,  Mrs.  Nellie 919  S.   Euclid  Ave. 

Millikin,  Walter  M. 919  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Mills,  Ruth 1925   Riverview  Ave. 

Minnich,  Prof.  S.  A. 2421  W.  Third  St. 

Mobley,  M.  L. 1507  W.  Second  St. 

Mobley,  Mrs.  M.  L. 1507  W.  Secc^nd  St. 

Mobley,  Mabel 1507  W.  Second  St. 

Moler,  John R.  R.  6. 

Molen,  Charles  E. 541   S.   Euclid  Ave. 

Molen,  Mrs.  Anna 541  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

'  Molen,  Mildred  L 541  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Molen,  Charles 541    S.   Euclid  Ave. 

Montgomery,    Ruth    38   Frank    St. 

Moore,  Alexander 303   Cincinnati  St. 

Moore,  Mrs.  Clara 303  Cincinnati  St. 

>  Morris,  Orville 1323  Germantown  St. 

Morris,   Mrs.  Orville 1323   Germantown   St. 

Mowery,  Walter R.  R.  2, 

Mueller,  Albert    2535  N.  Main  St. 

Mueller,  Mrs.  Mary  L. 2535  N.  Main  St. 

Mueller,  Doris    B.    2535  N.  Main  St. 

Mueller,  Charles    E.    2535  N.  Main  St. 

Myer,  Fred 1714  W.  First  St. 

Myer,  Mrs.  Clara 1714  W.  First  St. 

Myer,  Margaret 1714  W.   First  St. 

Myer,  Marian 1714  W.  First  St. 

Newland,  William 241  McDaniel  St.   (rear) 

Xewland,  Ben  W. 1738  W.  Fifth  St. 

Nicholas,  Mrs.  Emaline 1641  W.  Second  St. 

Nicholas,  Mrs.  Carrie 1641  W.  Second  St. 

Nicholas,  A.  J. 1558  W.  Second  St. 

Nicholas,  Mrs.  ^lollie 1558  W.  Second  St. 

Nicholas,  Grant 1311  Edison  St. 

Nicholas,  Mrs.   Bertha   1311   Edison  St. 

Nicholas,  Ruth 1311  Edison  St. 

Norman,   Harry   525    College   St. 

Norris,   Mrs.   Amanda 16   Leroy   St. 

Norris,  Ray  E. 16  Leroy  St. 

Norris,  Mildred 16  Leroy  St. 

Orput,  Amelia 405  W.  Third  St. 

Osborn,   Ernest 25   S.   Orchard   St. 

Osborn,  Mrs.  Nellie 25  S.  Orchard.  St. 

Osbun,   Harry  J.    R.    R.    10. 

Osbun,  Mrs.  Harry  J. R.  R.  10. 

Ott,  Mrs.  Laura  Mae 1211  E.  Second  St. 

Ott,   Ralph   1211    E.   Second   St. 

Overpe€^k^.J^F&. 'Martha  9201  Edison   St. 

Owen,   Mrs.   Delia   '___1315    Edison   St. 

Owens,  Mrs.   Edith   1544  W.   Second  St. 

Ozias,   Charles   B.   Beckel   Hotel. 

Paine,  Margarete   1311   W.  First  St. 


I'arish,   Edward   K.   1267   W.   First  St. 

Parish,  Mrs.  Ella 1267  W.  First  St. 

Parton,   Clyde   38   S.    Mathison    St. 

Parton,  Mrs.   Clyde  38  S.   Mathison  St. 

Parton,  Vera 38  S.  Mathison  St. 

Passmore,  Mrs.  Isabel  __ 1645   Home  Ave. 

.   Patterson,  Samuel    E.    2309  W.  Second  St. 

.Patterson,  Mrs.  Samuel  E. 2309  W.  Second  St. 

Pauley,    Mrs.    Bessie    106    Clemmer    St. 

Petcher,    Robert   S.    Krug    St. 

Peterman,  Clarence 1137   Piatt   Circle. 

Peterman,  Mrs.  Clarence 1137  Piatt  Circle. 

Phillippi,    Rev.  J.   M.   1603   W.   Third   St. 

Phillippi,  Mrs.  Marie  D. 1603  W.  Third  St. 

Phillippi,  Dale  M. : 1603  W.  Third  St. 

Phillips,  Mrs.   Elinor 48  Pulaski  St. 

Phillips,  Ralph 526  Edison  St. 

Pierson,  ]\Irs.  Dorothy R.  R.   1. 

Pleasant,  Mrs.  Dora  M. 2102  W.  Third  St. 

Plcarant,   Dorothy 2102  W.  Third  St. 

Powers,  Edgar 1517  Home  Ave. 

Powers,  Mrs.    .Mary    1517  Home  Ave. 

Prather,   E.    E.    R.   R.  2,  New  Lebanon. 

Prather,  Airs.    E.    E.    R.  R.  2,  New  Lebanon. 

Prather,  Russel R.  R.  2,  New  Lebanon. 

Pridy,  Airs.  Helen 41  Munger  Ave. 

Propst,  S.    A.    14  Cowart  St. 

Propst,  Mrs.  Naomi 14  Cowart  St. 

^-Propst,  Alice  L. 14  Cowart  St. 

/Propst,  Lewis  M. 14  Cowart  St. 

Puis,  Daniel 1554  W.  First  St. 

Puis,  Mrs.   Bertha   1554  W.  First  St. 

Purviance,  A.  F. 516  Oxford  Ave. 

Purviance,  Mrs.  Minnie 516  Oxford  Ave. 

Purviance,  Mildred   516  Oxford  Ave. 



Ptiterbaugh,  Arthur 1705  \V.  Second  St. 

Randall,  Carroll 300  Kammer  Ave. 

Randall,   Forest 300   Kammer  Ave. 

Ratliff,  Mrs.    Harvey    1206  W.  Fifth  St. 

Ratliff,  Vernon 1206  W.  Fifth  St. 

Ratliff.  Lelia  1206  W.  Fifth  St. 

Raymond,  Airs.  Alice 22  S.  Broadway. 

Reasor,  Samuel  R. 341  Mercer  Ave. 

Reasor,  Mrs.  Priscilla 341  Mercer  Ave. 

Reasor,  Howard  W. 1554  W.  Fifth  St. 

Reasor,  Mrs.  Emma 1554  VV.  Fifth  St. 

Reasor,  Mildred 1554  W.  Fifth  St. 

Reasor,  Dorothy    1554  W.  Fifth  St. 

Reasor,  Lois  Marie 24  Five  Oaks  Ave. 

Reichard,  Mrs.  Nan ■ 2Z  Floral  Ave. 

Repp,  Mrs.   Mary 2219  W.   Second  St. 

Reynolds,  C.  L.  V. 22C0  W.  Third  St. 

Reynolds,  Mrs.  Dona 2200  W.  Third  St. 

Rice,  Mrs.  Fernie 731   X.   Broadway. 

Rich.   E.    J.    620  S.   Summit  St. 

Rich,  Mrs.  E.  J 620  S.  Summit  St. 

Rich,  Homer 620  S.  Summit  St. 

Rich,   Otis    620  S.  Summit  St. 

Richley,  James 1127  Epworth  Ave. 

Richley,.Mrs.  Ella  M. 1127  Epworth  Ave. 

Riggs,  Mrs.  Josephine 1528  W.  Seeond  St. 

Riley,  Mrs.   Elizabeth 1546  W.  Second  St. 

Riley.  James    1546  W.  Second  St. 

Riley,  Albert 2^21  N.  Western  Ave. 

Riley,  Mrs.  Albert Zll  X.  Western  Ave. 

Roberts,  J.   W.   1457  W.  Third   St. 

Roberts,  Mrs.  Lyda  B. 1457  W.  Third  St. 

Robertson,   Mrs.   Laura   29  Air  St. 

Robertson,  Floyd  O. 29  Air  St. 

Robinson,   Mrs.   Sara   R.   R.    16. 


Rogers.  Mrs.  Ethel R.   R.  8 

Roiitzahn.  William 305  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Roiitzahn,  Mrs.    Bertha 305  S.   Euclid  Ave. 

V    Routzahn,  Violet  A.   '. 305  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

^.   Routzahn,  Karl    P.    305  S.   Euclid  Ave. 

j^  Routzahn,  Mrs.  Cora  J.  -- 305  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Saylor,  Perry  E. 2820  W.  Third  St. 

Savior.   Harvey 1442  W.  Third  St. 

:  Saylor.  Mrs.  Maggie ___1442  W.  Third  St. 

Schaeffer,  Frank   D.   R.    R.   10'. 

Schaeffer,  Mrs.  Elizal)cth R.  R.  10. 

■    Schell.   Rev.   W.    E.   718  Oxford  Ave. 

Schell.  Mrs.   W.   E.   718  Oxford  Ave. 

SchcU.  Ruth 718  Oxford  Ave. 

Sherer,  Mrs.    Sara    Jane 36  Hallwood  Ave. 

Sherer,  Lulu    36  Hallwood  Ave. 

Scherer,  Charles 1923  W.  Second  St. 

Scholl.  Mrs.  Mary 40  Hallwood  Ave. 

Scholl.  Anthony  J. 40'  Hallwood  Ave. 

Scholl,  Robert   G.   40  Hallwood  Ave. 

Scholl,  William  I. 14  X.  Mathison   (rear) 

Scholl.  Mrs.  Vivienne 14  X.  Mathison  (rear) 

Scholl,    Mrs.    Xora   1205    Edison   St. 

Scholl.  Mrs.  Jennie 1921  W.  Second  St. 

Schott,    Ruth    — 1561    \N.   Second   St. 

Scchrist.   Rev.   H.  A.   1115   Ridge  Ave. 

Sechrist.  Mrs.   H.  A.   115   Ridge  Ave. 

Scchrist,   Ivan   115    Ridge   Ave. 

Sechrist,  George 115   Ridge  Ave. 

Secore,  Mrs.  Gladys Third  and  Terry  Sts. 

Seger,    George    R.    R.    5. 

Seger,   Mrs.    Delia R.    R.   5. 

Seiler,  J.  11. 125  S.  Summit  St. 

Seiler,  Mrs.   Alabel 125  S.  Summit  St. 

Sellers,  George 849  N.  Summit  St. 


'■'Sellers,    Mrs.    Grace    M 849    X.    Summit    St. 

Shane,   Katie 361    Mercer  Ave. 

Shank,  Mrs.  Doris R.  R.  2,  New  Lebanon 

Shaw,  Ward   320  N.  Western  Ave. 

Shaw,  Mrs.  Minnie 320  N.  Western  Ave. 

Shaw,  Harry  1 320  X.  W^estern  Ave. 

Shaw,  Veda    Vera    320  X.  Western  Ave. 

Shaw,  Mary  Helen 320  X.  Western  Ave. 

Shierling,   O.  V. 45  Grosvenor  Ave. 

Shierling,  Mrs.  O.  V. 45  Grosvenor  Ave. 

Shirley,  Anna 1602   Grand  Ave. 

Showalter,  Mrs.  Margarete 1348  W.  Third  St. 

Showers,   Prof.   J.   B.   1602   W^   First  St. 

Showers,  ]\Irs.  Jnstina 1602  W.  First  St. 

Shuey,   Ra3'mond   T. 325   S.   Summit   St. 

Shuey,  Raymond  S. 1236  E.  Harvard  Blvd. 

Shuey.  Mrs  Elsie 1236  E.   Harvard  Blvd. 

Sibila,  Mrs.  V.  R. Xat'l  Mil.  Home,  Box  44. 

Sibila,  Louise Xat'l  ]\Iil.  Home,  Box  44. 

■  Simmerman,  Mrs.  Rose  — Cor.   Edison  &  Paisley  Sts. 

Sivert,   ^Irs.   Minta   V.   78  Helena  St. 

Sivert,  Agnes  L 1701  W.  Third  St. 

.    Slick,   William    H.    309   S.    Woodward  Ave. 

Slick,   Mrs.   Ida  A. 309  S.   W^oodward  Ave. 

Small,   Chalce  B.   105   S.   EucHd  Ave. 

Small,   Samuel 941    S.   Summit  St. 

Smith,  Jesse    821   Superior  Ave. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Jessie  L. 821   Superior  Ave. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Anna R.  R.  4. 

Smith.  H.  A.   20  S.   Summit  St. 

Smith,  J.  E. 307  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

Smith.  Mrs.  J.  E. 307  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

Smith,   Mrs.   Anna   1647   W.    Second   St. 

Smith,  Mabel  L. 162  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

Smith.  Mrs.  Barbara 541  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Snaufer,  J.    M. ^ 123  S.   Summit  St. 

Snaufer,  Mrs.  J.  M. 123  S.  Summit  St. 



Snyder,    Mrs.   Beatrice    225    N.    Ludlow    St. 

c^Snyder,  Ruth 225  N.  Ludlow  St. 

Spicer,  William   127  College   St. 

Spiclman.  Mrs.  Ada 2034  W.  Third  St. 

Spitzer,  Mrs.  Dora   E. 100  S.  Mathison  St. 

Spitzer.  Harold    - 100  S.  Mathison  St. 

Spofford.  Mrs.  Lillian  E. 645  Negley  Place. 

Starry,  Susie  ^L 20  Marion  St. 

Staub.  Dr.  G.  S. 1425  W.  Third  St. 

Staub.  Jessie   1425   W.   Third   St. 

Stebbins,   Mrs.   Elsie   R.   R.  6. 

Steele,  Mildred _-.___1640  W.  First  St. 

Steiner,  Ira  L 634  Ferguson  Ave. 

Steiner,  Mrs.  Ira  I. 634  Ferguson  Ave. 

Stoltz,  Forest 'l820  Dakota  St. 

Stoltz,  William    1820  Dakota  St. 

Stoner.  Henry 501  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Strader,  John  W. 134  Grosvenor  Ave. 

Strader,  Mrs.  Mary  E. 134  Grosvenor  Ave. 

Suma.  Charles    616  S.  Summit  St. 

Suma.  Mrs.    Charles    616  S.  Summit  St. 

Suma.  Donna     616  S.  Summit  St. 

Swank,  Mrs.  Onah R.  R.  16. 

Swartzel,  Mrs.  M.  W. 605  Negley  Place. 

Swisher,  Dr.  W.  W. 14  S.   Euclid  Ave. 

Swisher,  Mrs.  Cora 14  S.   Euclid  Ave. 

.^Swisher,  Murray 14  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Swisher,  Doris 14  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Taylor,  Mrs.   Minnie R.    R.   16. 

Taylor,    Edna R.    R.    16. 

Teague,  Mrs.  Beulah 1519  Viola  St. 

Tierney,  Mrs.  Alma  B. 916  Germantown  St. 

..'^rinnerman,   Edward    A.    617  Negley  Place. 

^'^innerman,  Mrs.  Lulu    617  Negley  Place. 

^Tinsley,  Ralph 331  Mercer  Ave. 

^^Tinsley,  Mabel 331   Mercer  Ave. 


Todd,  Mrs.  Marie 341  Mercer  Ave. 

Trout,  Freda  B. 40  S.  Mathison  St. 

Troxel,  C.    A.    617  Edison  St. 

Troxel,  Mrs.  C.  A. 617  Edison  St. 

Troxel,  Perron    617  Edison  St. 

Troxel,  Pauline    617  Edison  St. 

Troxel,  Merrald   617  Edison  St. 

Troxel,  Helen   617  Edison  St. 

Troxel,  Wilson 617  Edison  St. 

Upfold,  Mrs.  Jeanette 1428^Home  Ave. 

Upson,  Rev.   Ray   G. 255  W.  Herman  Ave. 

Upson,  Mrs.  Ray  G.   255  W.   Herman  Ave. 

Upson,  Dean    255  W.  Herman  Ave. 

Upson,   Paul 255  W.  Herman  Ave. 

Utz.  Mrs.  C  .A.  1608  W.  Second  St. 

Utz,   Dorothy    1608  W.  Second  St. 

Utz,   Herschel   R.   R.    10. 

Utz,  Mrs.  Herschel R.  R.  10. 

Vance,  Mrs.    Mary   T.    111   S.   Euclid  Ave. 

Vance,  Stella 111  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Van  Doren,  Edward 156  Ardmore  St. 

Van  Doren,   Mrs.  Nelle 156  Ardmore  St. 

Van  Scoyk,  Mrs.  Anna 2132  W.  Third   St. 

Van  Scoyk,  Ruth 2132  W.  Third  St. 

Van  Tuyl,  W.  T. 1548  W.  Second  St. 

Van  Tuyl,  Mrs.    Elizabeth    1548  W.  Second  St. 

Vernier,   Mrs.    Grace    547   S.    Euclid  Ave. 

Vicroy,  Mrs.   Cora R.   R.  4. 

Wagner,  Dorothy 2203  W.  Second  St. 

Wagner,  William 2203  W.  Second  St. 

Wagner,  Helen 2203  W.  Second  St. 

Wagner,  Ruth 2203  W.  Second  St. 

Wagner,  George 2203  W.  Second  St. 

Walker,  Mrs.  Anna  M. 70  Fountain  Ave. 

Wampler,   Arthur   ..-..7?)   Puterbaugh  Ave. 


Wampler,   Mrs.  Arthur IZ   Puterbaugh   Ave. 

Warner,  Mrs.   Emma 1558  \V.  Second  St. 

l^Weaver,  Lyman   G.   1141   Vernon   Drive. 

^AVeaver,  Mrs.  Ruby  D. 1141   Vernon  Drive. 

^AVeber,  Prof.  W.  A. 1253  Everett  Drive. 

I^  Weber,   Mrs.  Justina   L. 1253   Everett   Drive. 

Weber.  Mathias   J 960  E.   Harvard   Blvd. 

V  Weber,  Mrs.  Emma 960  E.  Harvard  Blvd. 

Weber,  William  L. 960  E.  Harvard  Blvd. 

Welch,  Thomas  C.  1537  W.  First  St. 

Welch,  Mrs.  Anna 1537  W.  First  St. 

'^^Welchans,    Robert    14    W.    Miami    Blvd. 

Welsh,   William    17   N.    Kilmer   St. 

Welsh,  Mrs.  Luella 17  N.  Kilmer  St. 

^AVelch,  Robert   31   Woodcrest  Ave. 

:  Welch.  Mrs.   Clara   C.    31   Woodcrest  Ave. 

:  West.  Isabel  1608  W.  First  St. 

Wheekr.   Helen   125   Clemmer   St. 

Whipp,  Frank  T.   15  W.   Hudson  Ave. 

Whipp.  Mrs.  Dora   R. 15  W.  Hudson  Ave. 

Whipp,  Robert 15  W.  Hudson  Ave. 

Whitacre.  Mrs.  Katharine 

Whitnack,    Mildred    625    Earl    Ave. 

Wiles,  Mrs.  Ida 1551  W.  Fifth  St.  (rear) 

Wilken,   Edith   311    N.  Williams  St. 

Williamson,  Mrs.  Jennie  R.   265  Chestnut  St. 

Williamson,  Blanche 265  Chestnut  St. 

Wilson.  John 1251  W.  Second  St. 

Wilson.  Mrs.  Ethel  A. 13C8  Riverview  Ave. 

Winfield.  William 112  S.   Euclid  Ave. 

Winfield,  Mrs.  William 112  S.  Euclid  Ave. 

Winters,   Mrs.   Alice   E.   714   S.    Euclid   Ave. 

Winters,  Mrs.  Catherine   819  W.  Third  St. 

Wirsching,  Mrs.  Elsie 364  Forest  Ave. 

Wirsching,   Robert   S.   364   Forest   Ave. 

\^  25 

Wise.  Felix 42  E.  Mnmma  Ave. 

Wise,  Mrs.  Felix 42  E.  Mumma  Ave 

Witters.  Opal  C. 309  S.  Woodward  Ave. 

Wolfe,   Charles  231    N.   Williams   St. 

Wolfe.  Mrs.  Charles 231   N.  Williams  St. 

Wolfe.  Ranald   231    N.   Williams   St. 

Wombold.  Mrs.  Mary 2503  W.  Third  St. 

Wood.  Herbert  W. 632  N.  Williams  St. 

Wood.   Mrs.  Herbert  W. 632  N.  Williams   St. 

Woolard.   Morris   113    X.    Orchard   St. 

Woolard.  Mrs.   Gladys  B. 113  N.   Orchard  St. 

Woolway,  Mrs.  Mary  A. 339  Fairview  Ave. 

Woolway,   Mary   339  Fairview   Ave. 

Wright.  Frank  R. 30  Wisteria  Drive. 

Wright,  Mrs.  Ella  M. 30  Wisteria  Drive 

Wright,   Howard   30  Wisteria   Drive. 

Wright,  Mrs.  Mary  Blanche 30  Wisteria  Drive. 

VingHng.  John   1636  W.   Fifth   St. 

Yingling.  Mrs.  John 1636  W.  Fifth  St. 

Yingling.  Bessie  M.   1636  W.   Fifth   St. 

Yingling.  Charles  E. 1636  W.  Fifth  St. 

Yoder.   Mae    1510  Dakota   St. 

Young,  Harry   B. 34   College  St. 

Young,  Mrs.  Emma  C. 34  College  St. 

Young.  Mrs.  Verno 1531  W.  Third  St. 

Young.  Jack 1531  W.  Third  St. 

Zearing,  N.  P.  613  Negley  Place. 

Zearing,  Mrs.  Lucy 613  Negley  Place. 

Zearing,   Ethel 613   Xegley   Place. 

Zimmerman,   Mrs.    Louise   39    MoOwen    St. 


Beeson,  Mrs.  R.  E. 1121    Detroit  St.,  Flint  Mich. 

Bell,  Mrs.  Nellie  S.   Richmond   Ind. 

Bellinger,   Mrs.    Gladys   ^lonroe,   Wash. 

Bigler,    Dr.    Regina    Canton,    China. 

Blakley,  Mrs.  Susie Shiloh,  Ohio. 

Bowers,   Edgar   Johnsville   Ohio. 

Bowers,   Airs.    Ethel   Johnsville,   Ohio. 

r>owman,   Harry   ^ 407   Lincoln   St.,   Piqua,  Ohio. 

Bowman,   Mrs.    Harry   __407   Lincoln    St.,    Piqua,    Ohio. 

Burris,  Rev.  C.  E. Canton,  China. 

Burris,  Mrs,  C.  E. Canton,  China. 

Collett,  W.   H.   822   Lyon   St.,   FHnt,   Mich. 

Collett,  Mrs.   Cora.  D. 822  Lyon  St.,  Flint,  Mich. 

Davis,  Mrs.  Almeda  _— 839  Ashland  Ave.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Davis,  Wilbur 829  Ashland  Ave.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Dougherty,  Rev.  R.  P.  1602  Eutaw  Place,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Dougherty,  Mrs.  Lulu  1602  Eutaw  Place,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Ellis,  Airs.  W.  J. R.  R.  3,  Lebanon,  Ohio. 

Enoch,  Mrs.   Sue West  Alexandria,   Ohio. 

Ewing,    George    Xenia,    Ohio. 

Fair,  E.  S.   R.   R.   10,  Xenia,  Ohio. 

Fair,  Airs.   E.   S.  R.   R.   10',  Xenia,  Ohio. 

Fair,   Mrs.   Roy Toledo,   Ohio. 

Ferris,  Mrs.  Roy Brookville,  Ohio. 

Flor}',   Vernon R.   R.    1,    New   Lebanon,   Ohio. 

Freeman,  James   Chicago,   111. 

Freeman,  Arthur Chicago,   111. 

Gardner,   Airs.   Edna   K.,   161    S.   Ohio   Ave.,   Columbus, 


Hendershott.  J.   C. R.   R.   1,   Pleasant  Hill,  Ohio. 

Hendershott,  Airs.  J.  C. R.  R.  1,  Pleasant  Hill,  Ohio. 

Heywood,  Airs.  Agnes New  York  City. 

Holland,  De  Witt Spring  Valley,   Ohio. 

Houser,  Henry  V.  -i Houston,  Texas. 

Houser,    Edith    E.    Houston,    Texas. 

Huddle,  Helen,  24  Edward  Ave.,  Highland  Park,  Detroit, 

Al  ichigan. 
Huddle,  Ruth Detroit,  Alich. 


Keck,  John Lewisburg,  Ohio. 

Keck,   Mrs.  Julia   Lewisburg,    Ohio. 

La  Ford,  Mrs.  Belle R.  R.  1,  Brookville,  Ohio. 

Iddings,    Mary    Cleveland,    Ohio. 

Iddings,  Katie Cleveland,  Ohio. 

MacDonald,  Mrs.  Mabel  D. Cknton,  China. 

]\Iarkland,  Richard Miamisburg,  Ohio. 

McBride,  Ada 61  Broadv^ay,  New  York  City, 

Miller,  Donald Richmond,  Ind. 

Nicholas,  Homer 618  Ferris  Bldg.,  Columbus,  Ohio. 

Overholt,    Rev.    F.    B.    Rossburg,    Ohio. 

Overholt,   Mrs.   Leila    Rossburg.    Ohio. 

Pickle,   Stephen    R.    R.    2,    Lebanon,   Ohio. 

Ross,    Royal    Cumberland,    Ind. 

Ross,    Mrs.    Mary    Cumberland,    Ind. 

Sager,    Mrs.    Jennie    

Samuels,  T.   F. 2833   Cedar  St.,  Anderson,   Ind. 

Shinn,   Mrs.    Iva   Jacksonville,    Fla. 

Smith,    Mrs.    Harry    California. 

Smith,   William   Philadelphia,    Pa. 

Smith,   Lloyd   Cleveland,   Ohio 

Throckmorton,  Urdine Jefferson,  Ind. 

Trieshman,    Edward    California. 

Trieshman,   Mrs.    Edward   California. 

Trieshman,  Gertrude California. 

\'an  Zant,  Oscar.  1054  Philadelphia  Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
Van  Zant,  Mrs.  Jessie,  1054  Philadelphia  Ave.,  Detroit, 

Wagner,   Chester   ' New   York   City. 

Welton,  Evalyn 117  Boalt  Ave.,  Sandusky,  Ohio. 

Wendling,  David K.  of  P.  Home,  Springfield,  Ohio. 

Wise,    Elvin    Indianapolis,    Ind. 

Wise,  Earl Anderson,  Ind. 



Anna  Street 

105  Blue,  Mrs.  Ruth  C. 
Antioch  Street  (North) 

21     Whitacre,  Mrs.  Kathcrine 
305     Evans,  Mrs.   Bertha  (1) 
Antioch  Street,  (South) 

20     Bandy,   Bruce   (2) 

25     Bradley,  Mrs.   Media  (1) 

Ardmore  Street 

131     Hodge,   Sarah   (1) 
131     Lent.   Mrs.   D.   H.   (1) 
156     Van   Doren,   Edward   (2) 
Baker  Street 

118     High,  Robert  (1) 

Broadway,  North 

315     Brightwell.  Mrs.  Mary   (1) 
612     Hoffman,   Mrs.   D.   A.    (2) 
731     Holtzinger,  L.   F.    (3) 
845     Fox.  Al  S.  (3) 

Broadway,  South 

11  Raymond.  Mrs.  Alice   (1) 

329  De   Priest,  Mrs.  Amy   (2) 

345  Clark,  W.  B.  (2) 

345  Johnson,  Mrs.   Michael  (1) 

1042  McBride.    Melvin    (2) 

1044  McBride.  Frank  (2) 

Cincinnati  Street 

303     Moore,  Alexander   (2) 

Clemmer  Street 

106  Denise,   Mrs.  Jane   (1) 
106  Pauley,  Mrs.  Bessie  (1) 
125  Wheeler,  Helen  (1) 


College  Street 

21  Leatherman,  Airs.  Rachael  (1) 

22  Hoover,  J.  J.   (4) 

26  Hughes,   Donald   (1) 

31  Coleman,  Lottie  Mae   (1) 

34  Young,  H.  B.   (2^ 

40  Dye,  Earl   (2) 

40  Apple,  Mrs.  Ida  (1) 

127  Spicer,  William   (1) 

525  Norman,    Harry    (Ij 

Cowart  Street 

14     Propst,  S.  A.   (4) 

Dakota  Street 

Cor.  Paisley,  Simmerman,  Mrs.  Rose  (1) 

440     Gabel,  Dr.  P.  E.  (2) 

442     Gilbert,  Webb  A.  (4) 
1510     Yoder,  Mae   (1) 
1630     Dennis,   David   (4) 
1820     Stoltz,  Forest  (2) 
Cor.  Shoop,  Freeze,  Roscoe   (2) 

Edison  Street 

526  Phillips,   Ralph    (1) 

547  Dann,  Mrs.  Rebecca  (1) 

617  Troxel,   C.  A.   (7) 

920  Overpeck,  Mrs.  xMartha  U) 

939  Lee,  Anthony   (5) 

1205  Scholl,  Mrs.  Nora  (1) 

1311  Nicholas,    Grant    (3) 

1315  Owen,  Mrs.  Delia  (2) 

1509  Hess,  Mrs.  Bertha  (1) 

Ellerton  Avenue 

636     Bell,  John  T.  (5) 

Euclid  Avenue,  (South) 

14     Swisher,  Dr.  W.  H.   (4) 
100     Flory,    Mrs.    Mollie    E.    (1) 

105  Small,  C.  B.   (1) 

106  Dunlevy,  Gerald  (2) 
111     Vance,  Mrs.  W.  T.  (2) 


112  Winfield.  William   (2) 

113  Daiigherty.  Harry   (3) 
123  Kuehn,  Thomas  (1) 
216  Dunlap,  Mrs.  Ada  (1) 
305  Roiitzahn,  William  (5) 
441  Mathias.  J.  C.  (2) 

501  Stoner,  Henry  (1) 

541  Molen,   ChaHes   E.    (5) 

547  Vernier,  Mrs.  Grace  (1) 

603  Blough,  Earl  (1) 

714  Winters.  Mrs.  Alice  (1) 

919  Millikin,  J.  M.  (3) 

Everett  Drive 

1253     Weber.  Prof.  W.  A.  (2) 

Farley  Street 

19     Delp,  Mrs.  Sara  (1) 

Faulkner  Avenue 

723     Adams.  F.  C.   (5) 

Ferguson  Avenue 

634     Steiner,  Ira  I.  (2) 
731     Conk,  John  W.  (1) 
744     Marsh,  Stanley  P.  (2) 

Fifth  Street,  (West) 

447  Corlette,  R.  V.  (3) 

719  Andrews,  Mrs.  Charlotte  (1) 

1206  Ratliff,  Mrs.  Harvey  (3) 

1221  John,  Laura 

1335  Binkley,  C.  A.    (5) 

1401  McClure,  Mrs.  Susan  (1) 

1516  Miller,  Mrs.  Emma   (1) 

1548  Brokaw,  Mrs.  Olive  (2) 

1551  Wiles,  Mrs.  Ida  (1)    (rear) 

1554  Reasor,  Howard  (4) 


1556  Kelley,  Robert  (2) 

1559  Haas,  Mrs.   Frank   (1) 

1636  Yingling,  John  (4) 

1738  Xewland,  Ben  W.  (1) 

1809  Black.  Ruth   (1) 

1855  Henderson,  Martha  (I) 
First  Street,  (West) 

1141  Lllmb^^  Mrs.   Margaretta    (3) 

1267  Parish,  E.  K.   (2j 

1311  Paine,   Margarete    (1) 

1521  Font.  Rev.  J.  E.   (2) 

1524  Eggleston,  A.  M.   (2) 

1529  Cook,  Charles  H.    (2.) 

1537  Welch,  T.  C.   (2) 

1540  Freeman,  Rose  (1) 

1552  Jordan,  Mrs.  Jennie   (1) 

1554  Puis,  Daniel  (2) 

1562  Miller,  Norma   (1) 

1602  Showers,  Prof.  J.  B.   (2) 

1608  Lorenz,  Barbara    (1) 

16C6  West,  Isabel  (1) 

1614  Faust,  Prof.  S.  D.   (2) 

1614  Hoerner,  Jessie  (1) 

1628  Forwood.   Rev.   G.   C.   (5) 

1634  Brehm,  Mrs.  Alice  (1) 

1640  Steele,  iMildred  (1) 

1641  Kumler,  Juan    (2) 
1655  Hamilton,  W.   E.    (5) 
1714  Myer,  Fred  (4) 

1720  Curl,  T.  B.  (2) 

Fluhart  Avenue 

21  Hess,    Mildred    (1) 
Fourth  Street,  (West) 

1013  Masters.  Mrs.  Anna  (2) 

Frederick  Street 

833  Gordon,   Ernest    (4) 


Germantown  Street 

916     Bowersox,  Mrs.  Ida  (3) 
1323     Morris,   Orville   (2) 
1426     Hall,  Melle  (2) 
1546     Diibbs,  Isaac  (2) 

Gold  Street 

141     Knox,  Mrs.  Phoebe  (1) 

Gordon  Avenue 

36     Aufuklish,  Mrs.  Luella  (2) 
50     Griest,  Mrs.  Clara  (1) 
75     Gregor}',  Thelma  (1) 

Grand  Avenue 

1330     Longenecker,  Dr.  O.  B.   (3) 
1407     FimkhoLiscr,  C.  A.    (3) 
1602     CHppinger,  Rev.  A.  R.   (5) 
1602     Shirley,  Anna  (1) 
1734     Funkhouser,  R.  D.  (4) 

Grosvenor  Avenue 

42     Bailey,  O.  C.  (1) 
45     Shierling,  O.  V.  (2) 
134     Strader,  J.  W.   (2)       • 

Groveland  Avenue 

440     King,  Airs.   Daisy   (2) 

Haller  Street 

105     Harshman,  Jacob  (3) 
178     Jones,  Mildred  (1) 

Hallwood  Avenue 

28     Gaines,  Violet   (1) 
36     Sherer,  Mrs.  Sara  (4) 
40     Scholl,  Mrs.  Mary  (5) 

Harvard  Boulevard,  (East) 

960     Weber,   Mathias   (3) 
1236     Shiiey,   R.   S.   (2) 

Harvard  Boulevard,  (West) 

\\30     Fiinkhouser,  F.  A.  (4) 

Hawthorne  Street 

19     Ewry,  B.  R.   (4) 

Home  Avenue 

14(j"6  Bushong,   Mrs.   Florence    (1) 

1415  Keller,  Roger  I.  (2) 

1416  Lucas,  Mrs.  Sophia   (2) 
1428  Upfold,  Mrs.  Jeanette   (1) 
1517  Powers,  Edgar  (2) 

1628  Aufuldish,  Howard   (2) 

1645  Passmore,   Mrs.   Isabel    (1) 

1645  Burtner,  Robert   (2) 

1706  Exline.  Albert  (2) 

2010  Miller,  Charlotte  (1) 

Howell  Avenue 

1839     Mahby,   Earl    (2) 
1850    Julick,  Mrs.  Lucy  (1) 
2103     Flook,  Mrs.  Jeanette  (1) 
2122     Chambers.  William  (2) 

Idaho  Avenue 

733     Amlin,  Charles   (5)  . 

Ingomar  Avenue 

1515     Hess,  Mrs.  Ella  (1) 

Kammer  Avenue 

102     Curk,  Willis  W.   (3) 
122     Bitzer,  Ruth    (1) 
300     Randall,  Carroll  (2) 

Kilmer  Street,  (North) 

17     Welsh,  William   (2) 


135     Midlam,  Robert   (1) 

137     Campbell,  Mrs.  Cora  (3) 

449     McXelly,  Louis  (2) 

Krug  Street 

Bundy,  Eugene  (2) 

Leroy  Street 

16  Norris,  Mrs.  Amanda  (3) 
20     Bundy,  Robert   (3) 

131     Lucas,  H.  A.   (2) 

Lexington  Avenue 

'       305     Brosier,  Clayte  R.  (2) 
751     Fansher,  William  (3) 
810     Johnston,  Roy   (3) 
911     Huddle,  Rev.  S.  (1) 

Marion  Street 

17  Keller,  Edward  (2) 

19  Hook,  Dennis  (3) 

20  Starry,  Susie  (1) 

Mathison  Street  (South) 

38  Parton,  Clyde  (3) 

40  Trout,  Freda  B.   (1) 

40  Brightwell,  Mrs.  Ada  (1) 

100  Spitzer,  Mrs.  Dora  (2) 

125  Cotterman,  John  (2) 

125  Jackson.  Mrs.  Katie   (1) 

Mathison  Street,  (North) 

14     (rear)  Scholl,  W.  I.   (2) 
307     Heimer,  Mrs.  Josephine   (1) 
369     Boyd.   Mrs.  Anna   (2) 
414     Friedline,  Jefferson  (1) 


Mercer  Avenue 

326  Daughertv.  Lucille   (1) 

331  Tinsley,  Ralph  (2) 

341  Reasor,  Samuel  (3) 

348  Davis,  Albert  (1) 

361  Shane,   Kati^   (1) 

Mound  Street 

12     Canton,  George  (1) 

Munger  Avenue 

41     Pridy,  Mrs.  Helen   (1) 

National  &  Puterbaugh  Avenues 

Hole,  James    (1) 

Negley  Place 

60'5  Swartzel.  Mrs.  M.  W.  (1) 

613  Zearing.  N.   P.   (3) 

617  Tinnerman,   E.  A.   (2) 

645  Estabrook.   A.   E.    (4) 

649  Gabel,  Mrs.   Belle   (1) 

Orchard  Street,  (North) 

113  Woolard,  Morris   (2) 

121  Leonard,  H.  J.  (2) 

137  Hartzel,   I.   C.   (2) 

226  Johnson,  Edna  (1) 

Orchard  Street,  (South) 

25     Osborn,    Ernest    (2) 
Oxford  Avenue 

22  Kemp,  Mrs.  S.  E.    (2) 

39  Davis.  John  S.    (4) 

57  Cassel,  W.  H.  (4) 

418  Gilbert.  F.  J.   (2) 

446  Brosier.  A.  J.   (2) 

516  Purviance,  A.  F.  (3) 

609  Funkhonser,  Hugh  (2) 

718  Schell,  Rev.  W.  E.  (3) 

Cor.  Euclid,    AlcCleary,   Kenneth    (2) 


Piatt  Circle 

1137     Pcterman,  C.  E.   (2) 

Philadelphia  Road 

60     Jewelt,   Pearl   (2) 

Pontiac  Street 

316     Blakslce,  Flora  (3) 

Puterbaugh  Avenue 

IZ     Wampler.  Arthur  (2) 

Riesinger  Avenue 

211     Miller.   P.  A.   (3) 

Riverview  Avenue 

1211  Horn,  Mrs.   Marie   (2) 

1308  Aufuldish,  John    (4) 

1415  Couk,  C.   E.   (2) 

1415  Hensel,  William  (2) 

1925  Mills,  Ruth  (1) 

Salem  Avenue 

1325     Funkhouser,  G.  A.,  Jr.    (1) 

Second  Street,  (West) 

1251  Wilson,  John   (1) 

1507  Mobley,  M.  L.  (3) 

1518  Bartels,  Mrs.  Emma  (1) 

1528  Riggs,  Mrs.  Josephine   (1) 

1544  Owens,  Mrs.  Edith  (1) 

1546  Riley,  Mrs.  Elizabeth   (2) 

1548  Van  Tuyl,  W.  T.  (2) 

1557  Bruner,  George  (3) 


1558  Nicholas,  A.  J.   (2) 

1558  Evans,   Mrs.   Blanche    (1) 

1558  Warner,  Mrs.  Emma  (1) 

1558  Hamilton,  Ella  F.   (1) 

1560  Archer,  Mrs.  Mary  M.   (2) 

1561  Schott,  Ruth   (1) 

1566  Landis,  Rev.  J.  P.   (2) 

1567  Kumler,  Effie   (1) 

1605  Dennis,  Rev.  F.  L.  (5) 

1606  Kepler,  Geo.  O.  (3) 
1608  Utz,  Mrs.  C.  A.  (2) 

1608  Long,  Mrs.   Edith   (3) 

1609  McChesney,  O.  C.   (5) 
1618  MacCanon,  G.  E.   (2) 
1618  Chase,  F.  W.  (2) 
1621  Griffith,  J.   M.    (4) 
1634  Libecap,  Mrs.  Mary   (1) 
1641  Nicholas,  Mrs.  Carrie  (3) 
1647  Smith,  Mrs.  Anna   (1) 
1705  Puterbaugh,  Arthur   (1) 
1921  Scholl,   Mrs.  Jennie   (1) 
1923  Scherer,  Charles   (1) 
2203  Wagner,   William    (5) 
2219  Repp,  :\lrs.  Mary  (1) 
2302  Heck,  J.  K.  (3) 

2309  Patterson,  S.  E.  (2) 

Summit  Street,  (South) 

'      20  Horn,  B.  L.   (3) 

20  Smith,  H.  A.  (1) 

22  Horn,   Mrs.   Elizabeth    (2) 

123  Snaufer,  J.  M.  (2) 

125  Seiler,  J.  H.   (2) 

325  Shuey,   R.  T.    (1) 

327  Fackler,  W.  F.    (2) 


616  Suma,  Charles   (3) 

620  Rich,  E.  J.  (4) 

623  Early,  Moses  (2) 

941  Small.  Samuel   (1) 

Summit  Street,  (North) 

11  Funkhouser.  Rev.  G.  A.  (3) 

111  Fox,  Mrs.  Maria  (1) 

203  Drury,  Rev.  A.  W.   (4) 

206  Banta.  Mrs.  Mary  (2) 

849  Sellers.  George  (2) 

Superior  Avenue 

652  Clark,  Wesley  (1) 

821  Smith.  Jesse  (2) 

Third  Street,  (West) 

406  Orput,  Amelia   (1) 

819  Winters,  Mrs.  Catherine  (1) 

901  McKee.   Mrs.   Lydia   (1) 

Wny,     Clutterbuck.  R.  T.  (2) 

1341  Flook.    Elmer    (1) 

1344  Hildebrant,   Fay   (2) 

1348  Shdwwalter,   Mrs.    Margarete    (1) 

1423  Kiger,  A.  J.  (2) 

1423  Kiger.   Don    (2) 

1425  Staub,  Dr.  G.  S.  (2) 

1436  Graham,  J.  W.   (3) 

1442  Saylor,  Mrs.  Maggie  (1) 

1442  Saylor,   Harvey    (1) 

1444  McConaughy,  Jesse   (4) 

1457  Roberts,  J.  W.   (2) 

1531  Young,  Mrs.  Verno  (2) 

1531  Crabill,  George   (1) 

1603  Phillippi,  Rev.  J.   M.    (3) 

1701  Sivert,  Agnes   (1) 


2004     Bryant,  Dr.  W.  B.   (3) 

2034  Spielman,  Mrs.  Ada  (1) 
2102     Pleasant,  Mrs.  Dora  (2) 
2108     Miller,   George   W.    (2) 
2114     Chambers.  Helen  (2) 

2120  Brown,  Mrs.  Cora  (2) 

2132  Van  Scoyk,  Mrs.  Anna   (2) 

2200  Reynolds,  C.  L.  V.   (2) 

2237  May,  Mrs.   Elnora   (1) 

2409  Kern,  Henry   (2) 

2421  Dedisman,  H.   H.   (2) 

2421  Minnich,  Prof.  S.  A.  (1) 

2503  Wombold,  Mrs.  A.  ( 1) 

2530  Ewing,  Mrs.  George  \\\   (4) 

2809  Fryar,  H.  V.   (3) 

2820  Saylor,  Perry  (1) 

Vernon  Drive 

112S  Landis,  R.  K.  (1) 

1141  Weaver,  L.  G.  (3) 

Washington  Street 

936  Doup,  Houston  (1) 

1025  Hutchins,  Mrs.  May   (1) 

Wawona  Road 

1017  Clemmer,  Charles  (4) 

Western  Avenue,  (North) 

213  Crowel,  Mrs.  Verna   (3) 

319  McCleary,  Mrs.  Lucy  (3) 

320  Shaw,  Ward  (5) 
327  Riley,  Albert  (2) 
Z21  Himes,  J.  K.  (3) 
410  Armpriester,  Ida   (1) 


Williams  Street,  (North) 

20  Heeter,  Mrs.  Anna  (1) 

21  Kern,   Ralph   (1) 
111  Fonts,  George  (3) 
209  Leslie,   Mrs.  Julia    (1) 
231  Wolfe.  Charles  (3) 
311  Wilken,   Edith   (1) 

511  Hottes,  George  W.  (3) 

513  McGuire,  Horace  (1) 

521  Middlestetter,  Milo   (2) 

631  Markland.  William    (2) 

632  Wood,  Herbert  (2) 

Williams  Street,  (South) 

S.  E.  Cor.  Third,  Midlam,  Wilbur  (2> 
14     Dunn,  Mrs.  Alice   (1) 
214     McDermott.   Mrs.  Daisy   (1) 

Woodward  Avenue,  (North) 

34     Lindenmuth.  E.  M.  (2) 

Woodward  Avenue,  (South) 

162  Smith,  Mabel  (1) 

307  Smith,  J.  E.  (2) 

227  De  Wolf,  Frank  R.  (3) 

227  Ganster,  Earl  (2) 

309  Slick.  William   '3) 

320  Conover.  Mrs.  Mary  (1) 

Yale  Avenue 

115     Landis,  Mrs.   Francena  (1) 

Rural  Routes 

No.   1      Pierson,   Mrs.   Dorothy    (1) 
Xo.  2     Hoeflinger,   Mrs.  Adam    (1) 


No.  2     Mowery,  Walter  (1) 

No.  2     Beam,  Mrs.  Josephine  (1) 

No.  4     Kemp,  Fred  (6) 

No.  4     Lindenmuth,  Robert   (2) 

No.  4     Martin,  Gertrude  (1) 

No.  4     Smith.  Mrs.  Anna  (1) 

No.  4     Vicroy,  Mrs.   Cora   (1) 

No.  5     Middlestetter,  Mrs.   Catherine   (1) 

No.  5     Seger,  George   (2) 

No.  6     Stebbins,  Mrs.  Elsie   (1) 

No.  6     Moler,  John   (1) 

No.  6     Hole,  William   (2) 

No.  8     Houser,  William  (4) 

No.  10  Utz,  Herschel  {2) 

No.  10  Lowe,  C.  C.  (3) 

No.  10  Osbun.  H.  J.  (2) 

No.  10  Schaeffer,  F.  D.  (2) 

No.   11   Holman,  Mrs.   E.  F.   (1) 

No.   14  Campbell,  Mrs.  Hattie   (1) 

No.  14  Davis,  Mrs.  Lizzie   (1) 

No.  14  Gilbert,  E.  L.   (2) 

No.  16  Hoffman,  Mrs.  J.  L   (2) 

No.   16  Delp,  Charles  (1) 

Xo.   16  Taylor,   Mrs.  Minnie   (3) 

National  Military  Home 

Box  44  Sibila,  Mrs.  V.  R.  (2) 


Air  Street 

29     Robertson,  Mrs.  Laura  (2) 
287     Brindle,  J.  W.  (2) 

Bond  Street 

50     Davis,  James   (3) 


Burton  Avenue 

19     Bishop,  William   (1) 

Daniel  Street 

32     Jeffreys,  Mrs.  E.  L.  (1) 

Earl  Avenue 

625     Whitnack,   Mildred   (1) 

Fairview  Avenue 

339     Woolway,  Mrs.  Mary  (2) 

Five  Oaks 

24     Reasor,  Lois  Marie  (1) 

Floral  Avenue 

23     Reichard,  Mrs.  Nan   (1) 

Forest  Avenue 

364  Wirsching,   Mrs.   Elsie   (2) 

Fountain  Avenue 

70     Walker,  Mrs.  Anna   (1) 
107     McFarland,  Mrs.  Josephine  (1) 

Helena  Street 

78     Sivert,  Mrs.  Miiita  (1) 

Herman  Avenue,  (West) 

255     Upson,  Rev.  R.  G.   (4) 

Hudson  Avenue,  (West) 

15     Whipp,   Frank    (3) 
15     Hook,  Frank  (1) 

Kenwood  Avenue 

228     Miller,  Mrs.  Daisy  (1) 

365  Hill,  Geraldine   (1) 

Linwood  Avenue 

428     Boswell,  Mrs.  Mary  (1) 

Main  Street,  (North) 

451     Hook,  Mrs.  Ida  P.   (1) 


882     Bope,  Charles   (3) 
2535     Mueller.  Albert  (4) 
McDaniel  Street 

241      (rear)    Xewland,  \Vm.    (1) 
McOwen  Street 

39     Zimmerman,  Mrs.  Lon  (1) 
Miami  Boulevard 

14     W'elchans,   Robert    (1) 
Mumma  Avenue,  (East) 

42     Wise,    Felix    (2) 
Norman  Avenue 

70     Boone,  Blanche  C.   (1) 
Parkland  Avenue 

2314     Harper,  Mrs.  M.  C.   (1) 
Ridge  Avenue 

115     Sechrist,  Rev.  H.  A.   (4) 

Riverside  Drive 

1829     McConnon,  Mrs.  Faiista  (1) 
1829     Brosier,  Hazel  (1) 
Victor  Avenue 

44     Little,  P.  E.   (2) 
76     Brower,  Mrs.   Lizzie    (1) 
Viola  Street 

1519     Teagiie,  Mrs.  Beulah   (1) 
Woodcrest  Avenue 

31     Welch,  Robt.  (2) 


Arcade  Building,  Fourth  Street 

459     Heck,   Myrtle    (1) 
Arcade  Building,  Third  Street 

414     Kumler,   Mrs.   Madge    (1) 


Beckel  Hotel 

Ozias.  Charles  (1) 

Chestnut  Street 

2hS     Williamson,  Mrs.  Jennie  (3) 

Elmwood  Avenue,  (East) 

42     Emrick,  Geo.  (1) 

Epworth  Avenue 

1127     Richley.  James  (2) 

Findlay  Street,   (South) 

Funkhouser,  A.  A.   (1) 

Frank  Street 

3S     Montgomery,  Ruth   (1) 

Green  Street 

102  Gilbert,  Mrs.   Ruth    (1) 

Hickory  Street 

509     Madden.   Esther    (1) 

Jefferson  Street,  (South) 

419     McClintock,  Mildred  (1) 

Livingston  Avenue 

103  Jones.    Richard    (2) 

Lowe  Street 

440     Funkhouser.  Mrs.  William  (1) 

Ludlov^r  Street,   (North) 

225     Snyder,   Mrs.   Beatrice   (2) 

McDonough  Street 

134     Frederick,  Dollie  (1) 


Directory...  1915,  1921. 

Princeton  Theological  Semlnary-Speer  Library 

1    1012  00082  5317